Model ID: 782c3183-5819-4ad7-a197-7778dcbe7a95 Sitecore Context Id: 782c3183-5819-4ad7-a197-7778dcbe7a95;

National Day Observance Ceremony 2020

Held amidst the backdrop of COVID-19, this is NTUC’s first fully virtual observance ceremony ever.
Model ID: 782c3183-5819-4ad7-a197-7778dcbe7a95 Sitecore Context Id: 782c3183-5819-4ad7-a197-7778dcbe7a95;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 07 Aug 2020
Model ID: 782c3183-5819-4ad7-a197-7778dcbe7a95 Sitecore Context Id: 782c3183-5819-4ad7-a197-7778dcbe7a95;

Against the backdrop of one of the most infectious pandemics of our time – NTUC held this year’s National Day Observance Ceremony through a combination of online digital platforms.

The programme was broadcast in real-time from the NTUC Centre on 7 August 2020, with interactive games and songs held through Zoom, and live performances transmitted through YouTube.

The event saw over 470 participants joining in the festivities.

Secretary-General’s Message

In his speech, NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng thanked all workers who help sustain Singapore’s economy through the pandemic.

“Today I stand here embracing all my sisters and brothers. Thank you for making Singapore what we are today,” said an emotional Mr Ng.

Mr Ng noted while the nation has done well to cope with the damage brought about by COVID-19, the Labour Movement’s role cannot falter as more companies will start retrenching workers over the year.

“None of this should cause NTUC and our Labour Movement to waver. We must resume to protect our workers to preserve jobs and provide the care and support needed so that our workers can come out of this, with their jobs, livelihood intact,” he said.

Mr Ng also took the opportunity to emphasise that the Labour Movement needed make three innovations to inject vitality into the unions, in order to include more younger workers, PMEs and sectors.

“We need to change our business model in our unions, our membership model, and our training model,” he said.

Mr Ng also stated how proud he was to be a Singaporean, as well as the NTUC’s secretary-general.

He said: “May we use the best of our individual abilities with our head, and may we use the best of our collective abilities as NTUC with our strategies.

“And more importantly, may we demonstrate our care and support for the workers of Singapore with our hearts, so that we can overcome COVID-19 and propel Singapore to greater heights.”