National Day 2009: Young NTUC Kindles the Spirit of Tripartism with 10,000 Candle Lights
7 August 2009
1 Taking the cue from this year’s National Day celebrations theme, “Come Together – Reaching Out, Reaching Up”, the Labour Movement has sent out its rallying call to all its stakeholders to “Upturn the Downturn Together”. Reaching out to the unions, workers and their families, the Labour Movement communities, companies and the Government, the Labour Movement calls on one and all to come together to ride out the economic storm and keep the Singapore spirit flying high. Apart from the series of 35 National Day Observance Ceremonies (NDOCs) taking place throughout the month of August, the Labour Movement unveils its Young NTUC celebratory event as part of the National Day Parade fiesta.
2 Young NTUC will heed the call to ‘Upturn the Downturn Together’ by joining the Labour Movement to kindle and reinforce the spirit of Tripartism, as Singapore ushers in her 50th year of self-governance and 44th National Day this year. Throughout these 50 years, the Labour Movement has played a crucial role as a tripartite partner in Singapore’s progress and development. Young NTUC’s annual signature event at the Padang serves to demonstrate its commitment to play its part in nation-building for the next 50 years and beyond.
Young NTUC Celebrates! National Day 2009 – It Starts with U
3 Last year, Young NTUC returned to the Padang with over 11,600 participants breaking two National Records for the formation of the largest Day and Night Singapore Flags. Young NTUC Celebrates! National Day 2009 takes on an even greater significance with the 50th anniversary of self-governance for Singapore.
4 To mark this truly momentous milestone, Young NTUC will gather over 10,000 people to return to the very spot where the first historic shouts of Merdeka! rang out . The event highlight is the lighting of candles by the participants before the recitation of our national pledge. The lighting will culminate in a sea of candle lights surrounding a large Singapore flag unfurled on stage by our p.L.a.Y! performers. This is the first time ever such a performance is being showcased in a Singapore National Day Parade.
5 Four young candle-bearers of different races from NTUC First Campus affiliates, Little Wings, My First Skool, The Little Skool-House International and Caterpillar’s Cove, will pass the maiden flame to NTUC President, John De Pavya, who in turn will kindle the respective candles borne by fellow NTUC Central Committee members. The flame will then be passed on to the other participants—a symbolic gesture that signifies that every single member of the Labour Movement has contributes to the building of our nation.
6 “Each year, Young NTUC leads the labour movement’s National Day celebrations to reflect the spirit of solidarity and our contribution to national-building. This year in particular, we have chosen the lighting of 10,000 candles to symbolise the courage and tenacity shown by our workers in this downturn, of which we are very proud. The passing of lights also symbolises our hopes of working together with our tripartite partners for a brighter future for all Singaporeans,” explained NTUC’s Assistant Secretary-General Mrs Josephine Teo, who is also the Adviser to Young NTUC.
7 Spencer Tan, 30, a member of Young NTUC's p.L.a.Y! group, shared his experience as a participant of the p.L.a.Y! performance that takes place before the candle light passing segment, ”I was unexpectedly retrenched in February this year and was filled with apprehension about my future. I kept myself busy with practice sessions for my performances during the May Day Solidarity Walk concert and the upcoming National Day post-parade live concert, where I feel I can still contribute my time meaningfully towards the Labour Movement activities. Although I am gainfully employed now, I will still pursue my interest in the performing arts and hope that my performances can spread some cheer to others during this economic downturn.”
8 To commemorate and further evoke a sense of nostalgia for this historic occasion that took place 50 years ago at the Padang, Young NTUC has specially designed tambourines bearing a picture of this historic event five decades ago. Participants at the Padang will be given these tambourines to tap during the 21-Gun Salute segment, as part of an interactive activity that Young NTUC has organized prior to the candle lighting ceremony.
9 The Labour Movement calls on Singapore to celebrate National Day as the world's most united people, and the world's most united tripartite partners, navigating through the downturn together while gearing up for the upturn.
Mrs Josephine Teo
Advisor to Young NTUC
National Trades Union Congress