Model ID: 7c72122b-49de-4636-9bcd-6aae6db4e584 Sitecore Context Id: 7c72122b-49de-4636-9bcd-6aae6db4e584;

NTUC's response to Civil Service Year End Payment 2009

NTUC welcomes one-off payment in recognition of workers support and sacrifice
Model ID: 7c72122b-49de-4636-9bcd-6aae6db4e584 Sitecore Context Id: 7c72122b-49de-4636-9bcd-6aae6db4e584;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 7c72122b-49de-4636-9bcd-6aae6db4e584 Sitecore Context Id: 7c72122b-49de-4636-9bcd-6aae6db4e584;

NTUC's response to Civil Service Year End Payment 2009

26 November 2009

Media Release

NTUC welcomes one-off payment in recognition of workers’ support and sacrifice 

1 The Public Service Division (PSD) at the Prime Minister’s Office has announced the Civil Service Year End Payment for 2009, whereby civil servants will receive a one-off year-end payment of 0.25 month, subject to a maximum of $750. This is besides the 13th month payment. There will be no Annual Variable Component (AVC) for 2009.

2 As the AVC is tied to Singapore’s economic performance, and growth for the year is expected to be negative, the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and our eight affiliated civil service unions1 support the decision made by the Government to give the one-off payment instead.

3 We note that the one-off payment is in line with the advisory by the Tripartite Partners, and is given to acknowledge employees in the civil service for their hard work and sacrifices made during the economic downturn. The one-off payment will provide some relief particularly to the rank and file workers as civil servants too have endured lower annual salaries for 2009.

4 This year’s Civil Service Year End Payment has been concluded after close consultation and negotiations between representatives from NTUC and the civil service unions with PSD, taking into account the current economic situation and uncertainty in the global economic recovery.

5. As we have demonstrated our resilience in overcoming this downturn, we will emerge stronger to seize opportunities in the upturn. Moving ahead, the Labour Movement will continue to work closely with our Tripartite Partners to focus on enhancing workers’ capabilities and improving productivity in the public sector for the benefit of our economy and our workers.

Mdm Halimah Yacob
Deputy Secretary-General
National Trades Union Congress
