Model ID: 2fb441bb-4760-4d9e-8569-1292e429d6e9 Sitecore Context Id: 2fb441bb-4760-4d9e-8569-1292e429d6e9;

NTUC's reply letter to the article on My Paper Article

NTUC's reply letter to the article , dated December 27 2010.
Model ID: 2fb441bb-4760-4d9e-8569-1292e429d6e9 Sitecore Context Id: 2fb441bb-4760-4d9e-8569-1292e429d6e9;
14 Apr 2011
Model ID: 2fb441bb-4760-4d9e-8569-1292e429d6e9 Sitecore Context Id: 2fb441bb-4760-4d9e-8569-1292e429d6e9;

27 December 2010


Forum Page

My Paper (Chinese)

We refer to the My Paper article, “开学了”礼券被人网上兜售” (27 Dec, Pg B4).

The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) has been providing assistance such as the Back to School vouchers to low-wage union members through the U Care Fund to assist them in their children’s education. At the back of the vouchers, it is stated clearly that the vouchers are not for sale, and that union members will be denied access to U Care Fund programmes if they are found to have misused the vouchers. 

We are currently investigating this matter and will take appropriate action against any misuse of the vouchers.   We remain committed to helping low-wage workers, and urge members to abide by these terms so that our assistance programmes can fully benefit members in need.

Mr Zainudin Nordin


NTUC Care and Share
