Model ID: 3e26f7fe-df4c-4bb8-aa74-35dc0194b595 Sitecore Context Id: 3e26f7fe-df4c-4bb8-aa74-35dc0194b595;

NTUC's reply letter to "Scrap NTUC Cards Personal Details" - 14 September 2009

We refer to the letter, "Scrap NTUC Cards Personal Details", 14 September 2009, by Mr Allan Tan.
Model ID: 3e26f7fe-df4c-4bb8-aa74-35dc0194b595 Sitecore Context Id: 3e26f7fe-df4c-4bb8-aa74-35dc0194b595;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 3e26f7fe-df4c-4bb8-aa74-35dc0194b595 Sitecore Context Id: 3e26f7fe-df4c-4bb8-aa74-35dc0194b595;

NTUC's reply letter to "Scrap NTUC Card’s Personal Details" - 14 September 2009


16 September 2009

Details on NTUC Card facilitate transactions

1 We refer to the letter, "Scrap NTUC Card’s Personal Details", 14 September 2009, by Mr Allan Tan.

2 The inclusion of the NRIC numbers on the NTUC membership card is a feature of convenience for our members so there is no need to reiterate one’s NRIC or passport number to register for rebates, LinkPoints and other benefits should the card reader at the merchants' points of sale fail. This is also a reference point for us to understand members' patronage of our facilities including our clubhouses, so that NTUC can continue to provide better value in membership benefits.

3 Members are strongly advised to lodge a police report if they lose their NTUC card, which is exclusive to each member, as with all their important documents like their driving licences and NRIC.

4 We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Tan for his feedback, and his support for NTUC membership. We will take in his suggestion for future card renewal programmes.

Mr Gong Wee Lik
Centric Director, Membership Communities
National Trades Union Congress

