NTUC's reply letter to "Endless red tape over aid for retraining" - 4 September 2009
9 September 2009
1 I refer to the letter “Endless red tape over aid for retraining”, 4 September 2009, by Ms Ng Sok Hwang.
2 Under the Skills Programme for Upgrading and Resilience (SPUR), NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) reached out to thousands of workers who attend courses that are pre-subsidised by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA). Over and above SPUR courses, NTUC’s e2i also help members tap on funding under the Surrogate Employer Programme (SEP), under which members enjoy course fee subsidies when attending programmes outside of SPUR. In 2009, NTUC’s e2i has so far helped 2,100 members tap on SEP funding.
3 NTUC’s e2i has assisted Ms Ng to tap on SEP funding to pursue modules 1 to 3 for a Diploma in preschool education. However, Ms Ng did not submit an application for SEP funding for modules 4 and 5, and the application deadline has since passed. Notwithstanding, NTUC will help her appeal to WDA to fund the later modules. Since 7 July 2009 when Ms Ng first called us, NTUC has been following up with her to obtain the necessary support documents to appeal on her behalf. NTUC will continue to assist her.
Mr Ang Hin Kee
CEO, NTUC’s e2i