Model ID: 1bfc718a-fb9d-4fad-bd30-2b0168e45803 Sitecore Context Id: 1bfc718a-fb9d-4fad-bd30-2b0168e45803;

NTUC's reply letter to Consider giving special subscription rebates as a form of direct savings for

We refer to the forum letter Consider giving special subscription rebates as a form of direct savings for its members during this difficult period (The Straits Times, 18 February 2009) by Mdm Tan Swee Huang.
Model ID: 1bfc718a-fb9d-4fad-bd30-2b0168e45803 Sitecore Context Id: 1bfc718a-fb9d-4fad-bd30-2b0168e45803;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 1bfc718a-fb9d-4fad-bd30-2b0168e45803 Sitecore Context Id: 1bfc718a-fb9d-4fad-bd30-2b0168e45803;

NTUC's reply letter to “Consider giving special subscription rebates as a form of direct savings for its members during this difficult period” (The Straits Times, 18 February 2009)


24 February 2009

We refer to the forum letter “Consider giving special subscription rebates as a form of direct savings for its members during this difficult period” (The Straits Times, 18 February 2009) by Mdm Tan Swee Huang.

We would like to assure Mdm Tan and our members that NTUC and its affiliated unions stand committed to help all our members ride through this current economic downturn. The value of union membership remains the top priority for the labour movement. Members receive direct help with workplace issues. The labour movement speaks up for their concerns at national forums. Members can stretch their dollar through discounts, rebates and LinkPoints, and access affordable leisure facilities.

The value received by members surpasses the annual subscription fees. In 2008, we extended some $13million-worth of help to our lower-income members in the form of U-stretch vouchers, Back-to-School vouchers, scholarships, and utility and transport vouchers. In addition, members enjoyed a total of $66million in exclusive benefits and privileges. This year, the labour movement is committed to raise over $20million to do even more to help our lower-income members through the various Care and Share schemes.

We stand ready to share with members on how they can get the most out from their membership. We can be reached at 6213 8008.

Ryan Cheong
Director, Membership
National Trades Union Congress
