NTUC's reply letter on Membership Fees - ZB, 23 Dec 2009
24 December 2009
Dear Editor
We refer to the letter published in Lianhe Zaobao Forum Page 14 on 23 Dec 09 and thank Mr Xu for his feedback.
We would like to clarify that the $20 membership fee that Mr Xu referred to was for a Third Chapter (Associate) Membership Scheme that was extended to retired members on an annual basis. This scheme does not offer the entire suite of benefits such as free insurance coverage, unlike the full fledged NTUC Membership.
We value our members' feedback and are in the process of gathering inputs from our retired members. The conversion to NTUC Membership at $117 has not been implemented as we are currently reviewing the scheme. All current Third Chapter members may continue to enjoy the $20 membership fee on an annual renewal basis. We will continue to review this scheme to enhance its offerings.
Gong Wee Lik
Centric Director, Membership Communities
National Trades Union Congress