Model ID: 03624d73-8e0c-4930-a8ca-631904876156 Sitecore Context Id: 03624d73-8e0c-4930-a8ca-631904876156;

NTUC's U Care Centre Extends Reach to Low-wage Workers

NTUC’s U Care Centre partners with Malay-Muslim organisations to let more in the community know about help available for making lives better
Model ID: 03624d73-8e0c-4930-a8ca-631904876156 Sitecore Context Id: 03624d73-8e0c-4930-a8ca-631904876156;
23 Jun 2016
Model ID: 03624d73-8e0c-4930-a8ca-631904876156 Sitecore Context Id: 03624d73-8e0c-4930-a8ca-631904876156;

By Shukry Rashid

NTUC’s U Care Centre (UCC) plans to expand its outreach and target 12,000 low-wage workers in the Malay-Muslim community this year by partnering with Malay-Muslim organisations (MMOs).

This was announced during Iftar, a break-fasting session, on 9 June 2016 at the Al-Ansar Mosque where 50 UCC members were invited, along with their family members. The event was attended by Muslim Members of Parliament, who gave out green packets containing $300 each to the members.

New Partnerships

In 2015, UCC started working with the Enhanced Mosque Clusters and Mendaki SENSE, and has reached out to some 11,000 low-wage workers in the Malay-Muslim community. This year, besides continuing its work with the cluster and Mendaki SENSE, UCC has formed new partnerships with MMOs like the Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP), Pertapis, AIN Society and Jamiyah Singapore.

NTUC Assistant-Secretary General and UCC Director Zainal Sapari said: “Our work with the mosques continues and we will expand our scope to engage youth volunteers. We are aiming to impart information on UCC’s services with them, so that this information can be trickled down to the youths they work with. I understand that there are some youths who may be working part-time, and may be looking up ways to polish up their skillsets. Our services will be useful for them.”

On partnering with MMOs, ASG Zainal added: “Our aim with all these initiatives is to inform and educate more workers in the Malay-Muslim community on the various platforms and opportunities available to improve lives for their families and themselves.”

Source: NTUC This Week