Model ID: 2eb15fa1-567d-4f61-9533-ffdb57fe1490 Sitecore Context Id: 2eb15fa1-567d-4f61-9533-ffdb57fe1490;

NTUC's Reply Letter to "better job opportunities for Singaporeans"

The challenge faced by Singaporeans today is that, foreign workers are a cheaper source of labour to employers.
Model ID: 2eb15fa1-567d-4f61-9533-ffdb57fe1490 Sitecore Context Id: 2eb15fa1-567d-4f61-9533-ffdb57fe1490;
27 Sep 2011
Model ID: 2eb15fa1-567d-4f61-9533-ffdb57fe1490 Sitecore Context Id: 2eb15fa1-567d-4f61-9533-ffdb57fe1490;

In view of recent news coverage, I would like to clarify my position on the issue of foreign worker training. Recent reports suggest that I am advocating foreign worker training to level the playing field between foreign workers and Singaporeans which has led to the impression of increased competition for Singaporean workers. Let me clarify.

The challenge faced by Singaporeans today is that, foreign workers are a cheaper source of labour to employers. It is typically the case that Singaporeans generally have a higher skill set than a work permit level foreign worker – due to better qualifications, and therefore, command higher salaries than foreign workers who do not have the same skill sets. For example, a Singaporean is expected to have Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) Certification as a pre-requisite for jobs in the service industry. However, this is not expected of a foreign worker for the same position. Pushing for foreign workers to have skills certification is necessary so that Singaporeans are not disadvantaged by the higher salaries they command.

Ideally, only foreign workers with the right skill sets should be granted work permits, and I would like to remind employers to be more selective when hiring foreign workers.  As such, those foreign workers who are already in Singapore without certification should be made to acquire certification to our skills standards, at the cost of the employer, before they are considered eligible for work permit renewal. This is also important so that foreign workers do not pull productivity down. I have proposed to our tripartite partners, that skills certification becomes a pre-requisite for work permit approval or renewal.

When foreign workers become as equally skilled as Singaporeans, they will no longer become a cheaper source of labour for employers and they will better contribute to maximising productivity. I am advocating for better jobs for Singaporeans to ensure that Singaporeans will always come first, be it for jobs, or skills upgrading.

Yeo Guat Kwang
Migrant Workers’ Centre




