I refer to the article “Worker climbed on crane in pay protest and charged for trespass”, 8 July.
Migrant workers who are facing employment-related problems, including salary arrears, lack of proper accommodation or medical treatment as well as poor working conditions, may turn to the Migrant Workers’ Centre (MWC) for help. We have been able to assist workers in resolving problems through such means as working with the relevant authorities to resolve outstanding cases and providing emergency housing and food.
We therefore strongly urge migrant workers in distress not to resort to desperate measures. Such actions not only flout Singapore's laws but will ultimately aggravate the woes of the workers, rather than help to resolve the issues. Migrant workers do not need to suffer alone in silence. A better alternative is to approach the MWC for guidance and assistance. To date, we have assisted over 2,000 migrant workers since we were formed in 2009.
The MWC also aims to instil in migrant workers greater awareness of their rights and responsibilities, their employers' obligations and possible avenues of help, so that they are better able to protect themselves. We recently conducted roadshows for about 12,000 migrant workers in their dormitories to educate them on these subjects. To date we have reached out to almost 70,000 migrant workers and will continue to reach out to more through our events and activities.
The MWC, a joint initiative of the National Trades Union Congress and the Singapore National Employers Federation, was established in April 2009, to champion fair employment practices and the well-being of migrant workers in Singapore. It does this by providing emergency humanitarian assistance to workers in distress, promoting equitable employment practices as well as awareness of employment rights, and enhancing the integration and harmonious co-existence of migrant workers with their local counterparts and the community through the provision of social networks and structures. The MWC’s helpline is 6536-2692. The MWC is located at 62, Rangoon Road and is open six days a week from 9am to 7pm from Tuesday to Friday, and 11am to 3pm during the weekend.
Edwin Pang
Executive Director
Migrant Workers’ Centre