By Muneerah Bee Mohamed Iqbal
Based on the results of a Happiness Poll conducted by U Family last November, NTUC will further formulate action plans to help working families to have a better work-life balance and financial stability.
The Labour Movement will engage various stakeholders as every employer, employee, community and the unions have a role to play and should collectively work towards building a community of strong and happy families with high women workforce participation.
Unions will engage companies to implement Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA) and the Right to Request for FWA, and discuss setting up action plans and goals to support workers for Work-Life Harmony in unionised companies.
Speaking to the media today, NTUC Assistant Secretary-General and Champion for Women and Family Cham Hui Fong explained that flexible work should not only be confined to part time options.
Companies are encouraged to also look at allowing flexible hours for their workers and possibilities to work from home, for instance, and the flexibilities need not be permanent.
Unions will also set up U Family Chapters to push out pro-family initiatives. These chapters will work with the companies to implement work life initiatives.
NTUC will continue to advocate for a 6-month Government-paid maternity leave and a 6-month unpaid maternity leave and explore the possibility of including the right to FWA in a set of Tripartite Guidelines. NTUC will also discuss with the Government on introducing childcare leave for single, unmarried parents.
On the community level, U Family will work with grassroots organisations to build a pro-family environment.