Model ID: c8c926b4-bfb7-4f9c-9c85-346bae68aa03
Sitecore Context Id: c8c926b4-bfb7-4f9c-9c85-346bae68aa03;
The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) will be organising four dialogue sessions – engaging union leaders and members, employers and youth – to gather feedback on issues affecting women in workplaces. These sessions are part of “Conversations on Singapore Women’s Development”, which is an initiative coordinated by the Ministry of Social and Family Development and supported by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, as well as the Ministry of Home Affairs.
During these sessions, participants will discuss (i) the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on jobs and livelihoods; (ii) how workplaces, careers and livelihoods can be re-designed to better enable women to thrive in a post-COVID world; and (iii) how to better support women’s ability to exercise real choices based on their preferred career pathways and caregiving arrangements. Feedback and recommendations from these dialogue sessions will be submitted to the Government by the first half of 2021. NTUC will also tap on the insights gleaned from these discussions to identify areas of support to further strengthen women's employment and employability.
The first of four sessions organised by NTUC’s Women & Family was held today, involving more than 100 union leaders from various sectors, including the industrial, services, banking, supply chain, maritime and education sectors. The dialogue session was hosted by Ms Yeo Wan Ling, Director of NTUC’s Women and Family Unit, and attended by NTUC Secretary-General Mr Ng Chee Meng and Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth & Trade and Industry Ms Low Yen Ling.
NTUC as champion for working women’s interests
Since the formation of NTUC in 1961, the Labour Movement has played an important role in improving the welfare and uplifting the status of working women and their participation in the workforce. Today, our women union leaders continue to be the voice for workers and bring about various initiatives and suggestions with workers’ interests at heart. NTUC will continue to support the aspirations of working women by promoting a positive and safe work environment that is flexible and fair, as well as leveraging the Labour Movement network and partnerships, to help fulfil family and caregiving needs. For more information on NTUC’s efforts over recent years to support women in the workplace, please refer to Annex A.