Model ID: dd7b38ac-5b81-4b30-b356-4bf917fd6a80 Sitecore Context Id: dd7b38ac-5b81-4b30-b356-4bf917fd6a80;

NTUC supports amendments to the Workmen's Compensation Act

The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) supports the amendments to the Workmens Compensation Act, which translate to better safeguarding of the interests of more employees at the workplace.
Model ID: dd7b38ac-5b81-4b30-b356-4bf917fd6a80 Sitecore Context Id: dd7b38ac-5b81-4b30-b356-4bf917fd6a80;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: dd7b38ac-5b81-4b30-b356-4bf917fd6a80 Sitecore Context Id: dd7b38ac-5b81-4b30-b356-4bf917fd6a80;

NTUC supports amendments to the Workmen's Compensation Act

22 January 2008 

Media Statement

1 The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) supports the amendments to the Workmen’s Compensation Act, which translate to better safeguarding of the interests of more employees at the workplace.  As an advocate of workers’ interests and welfare, we are glad that the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has consulted and listened to union leaders’ feedback and suggestions in the course of amending the Act.

2 We are very pleased that the amended Act has a much wider coverage – benefiting potentially more than two million employees, as compared to coverage for only all manual workers and non-manual workers earning $1,600 and below before the amendments, and has higher compensation for them if they were to be injured, suffered permanent incapacity or death while at work.

3 Additionally, we are reassured that MOM, through the amended Act, has more enforcement powers against irresponsible and errant employers who delay or do not pay compensation, and has provided fair recourse for employers against fraudulent claims by employees.

4 We believe that the amended Act will give more employees and their families a greater peace of mind as they have access to and are assured of fair and prompt compensation should they meet with any mishaps at the workplace.  The raising of the compensation levels is also timely as they now better reflect increases in employees’ wages over the past 12 years.

5 While the amended Act has provided for better compensation for workplace injuries and deaths, we strongly urge employees, employers, the government and unions to continue working closely in enhancing safety at the workplace.

Ms Cham Hui Fong
Industrial Relations Department
National Trades Union Congress


