Model ID: 72ae5cf2-a564-4256-b7b2-fd212d06d702 Sitecore Context Id: 72ae5cf2-a564-4256-b7b2-fd212d06d702;

NTUC steps up efforts to strengthen safeguards of local PMEs

With Singapore entering its worst-ever recession, local PMEs have been deeply impacted by the downturn and the situation is likely to worsen. Mature PMEs, especially those in the 40s to 60s, are generally more vulnerable to job loss during recession
Model ID: 72ae5cf2-a564-4256-b7b2-fd212d06d702 Sitecore Context Id: 72ae5cf2-a564-4256-b7b2-fd212d06d702;
27 Aug 2020
Model ID: 72ae5cf2-a564-4256-b7b2-fd212d06d702 Sitecore Context Id: 72ae5cf2-a564-4256-b7b2-fd212d06d702;
The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC)announced today that it will step up to protect local Professionals, Executives and Managers (PMEs), as part of our ongoing efforts to strengthen the Singaporean Core and ensure the local workforce remains employable and relevant.This includes working with the Government to review current policies,setting up a taskforce to better understand PMEs’ needs and areas of support, as well as getting more PMEs to join NTUC as a collective voice.
With Singapore entering its worst-ever recession, local PMEs have been deeply impacted by the downturn and the situation is likely to worsen. Mature PMEs, especially those in the 40s to 60s, are generally more vulnerable to job loss during recession when demand falls and companies shed workers and/or implement hiring freeze. They are more at-risk of their skills becoming outdated and hence face greater difficulties in staying employed or re-entering the labour market. Furthermore, being the sandwich generation, they are also laden with more caregiving responsibilities and financial obligations. Against this backdrop, NTUC recognises the pressing need to ensure our PMEs are adequately protected, have access to good jobs and are equipped with relevant skills. 
Work with Government to Review Policies Impacting PMEs 
To achieve the above, NTUC will adopt a targeted approach to address the needs of our local PMEs, both in the immediate and long term. NTUC will continue to work with the Government to review existing policies affecting PMEs to bring about a more level playing field for them. For instance, the Government could consider reviewing existing frameworks to further strengthen the Singaporean Core. These include frameworks with regards to hiring of manpower such as relevant quotas, income criteria for work passes and the Fair Consideration Framework. 
PME Taskforce
At the same time, we will work with employers,as partners and enablers, to push for better protection of local PMEs. NTUC will champion this by setting up a taskforce to engage the PMEs and identify the areas of assistance for this group. The taskforce will also involve the Singapore National Employers Federation, who has affirmed its commitment in collaborating with NTUC to do more for PMEs. 
NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng and SNEF President Dr Robert Yap will take on the role of advisors to the taskforce, while NTUC Assistant Secretary-General Patrick Tay and SNEF Executive Director Sim Gim Guan will lead the taskforce.
SNEF President Dr Robert Yap said, “While employers have immediate concerns of business survival, they are also thinking of how to retain and build capabilities for economic recovery. In working with NTUC, SNEF hopes that we can develop Singaporean PMEs, especially those aged 40 to 60, that would meet employers’ skills demand in the future economy. Employers should upskill and reskill their mature PMEs to enable them to contribute to their business more impactfully.Similarly, it is vital for Singaporean PMEs to continue to acquire relevant skills to stay employable. With a strong Singaporean Core complemented by a foreign workforce, it would put Singapore in a good stead to remain globally competitive to achieve sustainable growth for the benefits of all.”
Strengthening Voice for PMEs 
The taskforce will also look at how to strengthen the collective voice of PMEs. NTUC urges our local PMEs to join our unions to have their interests protected. This will also ensure that their concerns are heard and taken in by the Government to form the right policies.
Commitment to Protecting Our Local Workforce
As the pandemic’s impact on economy continues to reverberate in Singapore and around the world, NTUC will stand firm alongside our workers, including PMEs, to preserve their jobs and livelihoods, provide them with the necessary support, while protecting the Singaporean Core. 
NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng said, “We are seeing a tipping point for our local PMEs. A recalibrating of the foreign and local PME workforce is thus necessary to ensure this group, especially the precarious mature PMEs, are well protected.We will work closely with the Singapore National Employers Federation for the PME taskforce to better engage and support our local PMEs. The Labour Movement has been consistently advocating for a strong Singaporean Core and we will redouble our efforts, leaving no stone unturned especially during this challenging time.There’s strength in unity. PMEs, too, can do their part by joining us so we can better understand their needs and concerns.”