The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) supports the actions taken by the Government. It is important to send a clear signal to all workers that as a nation ruled by law, there are proper ways of dealing with issues and disagreement. Any action that is illegal must and will be dealt with firmly, regardless of whether the workers are local or foreign. We have a system in place to deal with workplace issues and grievances, one that has been painstakingly built over the years and has served us well. This must continue.
There are important lessons that can be drawn from this episode. Management must maintain an open line of communication with their workers especially those who are not union members. Workers must recognise that there is a right and proper way to air their grievances and these should be adhered to. We hope that such an incident will not be repeated.
The National Transport Workers’ Union (NTWU) has offered to continue working with SMRT management in engaging and addressing the issues faced by the PRC bus drivers.