Model ID: 51bb9484-6d65-45ab-bf9e-379ee1fa1969 Sitecore Context Id: 51bb9484-6d65-45ab-bf9e-379ee1fa1969;

NTUC on Dr Robert Yap’s resignation as SNEF president: Incident will not affect tripartism

NTUC affirms tripartism as vital to Singapore's development as SNEF announces Dr Robert Yap's resignation amidst an internal governance review.

Model ID: 51bb9484-6d65-45ab-bf9e-379ee1fa1969 Sitecore Context Id: 51bb9484-6d65-45ab-bf9e-379ee1fa1969;
By Shukry Rashid 11 Jun 2024
Model ID: 51bb9484-6d65-45ab-bf9e-379ee1fa1969 Sitecore Context Id: 51bb9484-6d65-45ab-bf9e-379ee1fa1969;

The resignation of Dr Robert Yap as the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) president will not affect NTUC’s tripartite relationship with SNEF and the Ministry of Manpower. NTUC will continue to uphold tripartism with these partners, said NTUC in a statement on 11 June 2024.


The statement came shortly after SNEF announced that Dr Robert Yap would step down as SNEF president and council member.  


“Tripartism has been and continues to be one of the cornerstones of Singapore’s success,” said NTUC.


Dr Yap has been SNEF president since 2014, and NTUC said it has worked closely with him since then.


“Under his leadership, SNEF contributed to numerous tripartite councils and workgroups, advocating businesses’ interest in improving the lives and livelihoods of workers, including lower-wage workers, older workers and Professionals, Managers and Executives.


“For these and more, we are appreciative of Dr Yap’s and SNEF’s many contributions to our Labour Movement and workers,” NTUC said.


SNEF president resigns


SNEF said its council was informed of a governance procedural lapse during a routine internal review.


The council promptly engaged an external consultant to conduct a thorough review of its internal processes.


SNEF said that the council holds itself and the management to the highest governance standards.


It added that an independent review is underway, and the council is unaware of any financial implications arising from the lapse.


“The Council will continue building on the strengths of the Federation, working closely with all employers, members and partners to advance tripartism and enhance labour market flexibility for employers to implement responsible employment practices in Singapore,” SNEF said.


SNEF did not say who will take over the presidency.


The current council was elected in September 2022 for a two-year term during its 42nd annual general meeting.


Time to hand over leadership reins


Dr Robert Yap, who is also the executive chairman of supply-chain firm YCH Group, thanked the SNEF council, members, and tripartite stakeholders for their years of support.


Dr Yap said: “I have worked hard to advance the interests of my members and tripartism in Singapore. It is never easy, but I have done what I could. It is also time to hand over the reins of leadership.”


He added that he understands the council’s decision to engage an external consultant to pursue an independent review.


“It is always good to review governance procedures so that organisations can continue to improve and learn from any organisational weaknesses.


“I wish SNEF the very best, and I remain committed to tripartism in Singapore,” he added.


MOM will assess its next course of action


MOM said it was informed that SNEF would be reviewing its internal processes following a governance procedural lapse.


“While there is no indication of any financial implications arising from this lapse thus far, MOM has requested SNEF to provide us with an update on the outcome of their review and to share key documentation with MOM as soon as it is completed.


“MOM will assess our next course of action thereafter,” said the ministry.


MOM added that the tripartite process will not change and that it will continue to work with SNEF and the tripartite partners to advance Singapore's economic and social goals.
