Model ID: 6e14ad11-e05d-44bc-a440-c999bcef964b Sitecore Context Id: 6e14ad11-e05d-44bc-a440-c999bcef964b;

NTUC launched Southeast Asia’s First Labour Journal with Academic Papers and Practitioners’ Insights and a Tripartite Advisory Board

First-of-its-kind labour journal in Southeast Asia: academic papers and practitioners’ insights that underwent peer review; with trade union, employer, Government and Institutes of Higher Learning reps on the Advisory Board
Model ID: 6e14ad11-e05d-44bc-a440-c999bcef964b Sitecore Context Id: 6e14ad11-e05d-44bc-a440-c999bcef964b;
21 Oct 2022
Model ID: 6e14ad11-e05d-44bc-a440-c999bcef964b Sitecore Context Id: 6e14ad11-e05d-44bc-a440-c999bcef964b;
The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) launched Southeast Asia’s first labour journal that incorporates academic papers and practitioners’ insights that were peer-reviewed, with an Advisory Board made up of tripartite and Institutes of Higher Learning representatives. The Singapore Labour Journal was unveiled at the NTUC Labour Research Conference held at the Stephen Riady Auditorium at NTUC Centre on 21 October 2022. It will be open access to all, providing academics, policymakers, practitioners, unions and workers thoughts and insights that may help to pave the way to advance policies in the field of labour practices. It embodies the collective journey with academics and practitioners, to reflect on current labour issues, reimagine new approaches and restrategise the way forward for unions in Singapore and the world.
The Singapore Labour Journal’s Advisory Board consists of tripartite members from employer, union congress and Government, besides academia (please refer to Annex A on quotes from the Advisory Board, besides the quote in this release); and its Editorial Board consists of academics from all six local autonomous universities, which helps to give it a well-balanced content that will cover all stakeholders. This journal, which aims to be published yearly, will better promote the development of research and practice in the field of labour issues; and translate them into tangible strategies to help our workers earn a better living and live a better life.
In this inaugural edition, there are research articles by academia, brief report and practitioners’ insights:
a. Continuing Education and Training: Looking Through the Lens of Business Leaders in Singapore
b. Supporting Workforce and Company Transformation Through the Labour Movement: Company Training Committees and Training and Placement Ecosystem
c. Mobilising Workers via Digital Means: Reinventing Trade Unions for the Digital Age
d. The Journey of Engaging and Organising Workers Through Digital Means
e. Power to Participate: Building Young Voices, Choices and Experiences
f. Support Youth to Realise Their Aspirations and Address Their Needs
g. Can We Do More to Help PMEs Overcome Disruption and Discrimination in the Next Normal?
h. Retirement Intentions and Attitudes Promotes Post-Retirement Employment
i. National Trades Union Congress’ Changing Role in Shaping Singapore’s Evolving Work Compact
The hardcover copies of the Singapore Labour Journal will be made available to unions in Singapore, relevant Government agencies, trade associations, chambers and foundations as well as relevant regional and international trade union organisations. It will also be available via one of the new digitals, in the blockchain non-fungible token platform, for eternity. Digital copy can be downloaded from NTUC corporate website at and accessible on National Library Board’s public libraries and website
NTUC Labour Research Conference 2022
This year’s NTUC Labour Research Conference, themed “The Future Reimagined”, included a series of dialogues and panel discussion with representatives from the union, Government and academia on selected labour topics contained in the Singapore Labour Journal. 
The Conference harnessed experiences from union leaders and practitioners, and paired with academic insights to provide unique perspectives on issues revolving around the core of the economy – our workers. In the face of disruptions, it’s timely to reflect, reimagine and reinvent our approach and collective effort to weather the storms and emerge stronger.
Through the curated line-up of plenary sessions and round-up discussion panel, the panellists and participants deliberated on developing Workforce of the Future, new vision for what’s to come in the Continuing Education and Training landscape, new approaches to empower the youth of today and tomorrow, and delve deeper into using digital tools as a new way of communication and organising of workers.
Mr Ng Chee Meng, Secretary-General of NTUC said, “The launch of the Singapore Labour Journal is a milestone for NTUC. It captures the thinking on labour-related topics and experiences of work done by NTUC and our union leaders. It is another example of how NTUC connects the Head, Hands and Heart – working with academics with research expertise and cognitive take on labour issues (the Head); NTUC and our unions working on the ground to explain and operationalise policies as well as listen to workers’ feedback (the Hand); by passionate union leaders and academics who are interested in our workforce and labour issues (the Heart).” He further shared, “I hope that this journal will be a useful reference for academics, policymakers, thought leaders and practitioners around the world as we cast a view into the future of labour movement, future workforce for a future workplace.”