Model ID: d25cb878-a9ee-4f40-bec4-4dd78057561d Sitecore Context Id: d25cb878-a9ee-4f40-bec4-4dd78057561d;

NTUC gears up to welcome its' 500,000th member

The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), and its affiliated unions and associations will be embarking on an island-wide membership campaign to reach out to its 500,000th member. The campaign will span over a three-month period, starting 13 May till 31 August 2007.
Model ID: d25cb878-a9ee-4f40-bec4-4dd78057561d Sitecore Context Id: d25cb878-a9ee-4f40-bec4-4dd78057561d;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: d25cb878-a9ee-4f40-bec4-4dd78057561d Sitecore Context Id: d25cb878-a9ee-4f40-bec4-4dd78057561d;

NTUC gears up to welcome its' 500,000th member

11 May 2007

Media Release

1 The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), and its affiliated unions and associations will be embarking on an island-wide membership campaign to reach out to its 500,000th member. The campaign will span over a three-month period, starting 13 May till 31 August 2007.

2 The campaign aims to create a higher level of awareness among all workers in Singapore on the benefits and privileges as an NTUC union member. This is in line with the “Labour Movement 2011” vision that seeks to be an inclusive and relevant movement that reaches out to all collars, all ages and all nationalities.

3 Touted as “The Hardest Working Card” in the market for the best workforce, all workers1 can become an NTUC member and enjoy a host of benefits provided by NTUC and its partners.   Some of these benefits2 include;

Types of benefits enjoyed by members 

• Free assistance and advice on workplace related issues

• Rebates/savings on grocery shopping, social and recreational facilities/services etc. 

• Up to 90% subsidy for training courses • Members enjoyed an additional savings of  $230,000 on top of training subsidies

• Free group insurance coverage worth up to $30,000 for member and his spouse

Savings/Privileges enjoyed by members in 2006

• NTUC and its affiliated unions handled more than 2500 industrial relations cases

• Members received about $24million worth of rebates and $11million worth of dividends from NTUC Fairprice;

• Members saved a total of about $14million in social and recreational benefits with NTUC Club and its facilities

• More than $2.6million were paid out to members’ families in 2006
(The above is just a sampling ... please refer to Annex A for details on all other benefits enjoyed by members.)

With more interest groups being set up in the near future, members can look forward to more benefits and privileges offered by NTUC.

4  Said NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say, “The best workforce deserves the hardest working card. We will help workers not just at the workplace, but to live a good life and play hard.”

5 To date, the NTUC affiliated unions and associations have more than 480,000 members.  NTUC looks forward to welcome the 500,000th member in October 2007.  A slew of benefits and special privileges sponsored by the various cooperatives and related organisations in the labour movement family awaits the 500,000th member.

6 To welcome new members and to show our appreciation to our existing members for their loyal support over the years, the NTUC will also be conducting a lucky draw at the end of the membership campaign for all the 500,000 members.  500 lucky members will take home a total of more than $150,000 worth of attractive prizes. The top prize is a Chevrolet Captiva, worth about $80,000 (without COE, road tax and insurance). 

7. The membership recruitment campaign is supported by the NTUC family - the NTUC Cooperatives, NTUC Club, NTUC Link, NTUC LearningHub, the Singapore Labour Foundation, and its partners OCBC Bank, General Motors and Alpine Motors.


About National Trades Union Congress (NTUC)

The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) is a national confederation of trade unions of workers in the industrial, service and public sectors representing about 480,000 workers in Singapore.  It has 63 affiliated trade unions and six associations, as well as 12 social enterprises and three related organisations.  NTUC’s objectives are to help Singapore stay competitive and workers remain employable for life; to enhance the social status and well-being of workers; and to build a strong, responsible and caring labour movement.

For more details on NTUC, please visit our website at

Annex A

List of benefits that NTUC Members enjoy


- Advocacy at the workplace
- Workplace Advice and Assistance
- Job-matching Services
- Subsidies on Training Courses and Upgrading Programmes
- Scholarships, education grants and bursaries
- Hardship Grants
- Union organized events and activities
- Workplace health and safety programmes
- Back-to-school vouchers for Members’ Children
- etc


- Cash Rebates at NTUC FairPrice
- LinkPoints Privileges at over 500 Merchant Outlets
- Dining discounts and benefits at over 250 Outlets
- 5 Years Fee Waiver for NTUC-OCBC Visa Card
- Free Group Insurance Coverage of up to $30,000
- Social and Recreational Facilities at Orchid Country Club and Aranda Country Club
- Petrol Discounts with U Drive
- Special Deals for Motor Insurance
- Discount at Aranda Spa
- Discount on Health Screening
- Discount on Dental Treatment
- Savings on NTUC Childcare Services
- $180 Annual Rebates at NTUC ElderCare
- Scholarship and Education Grants for Members’ Children
- Attractive Financial Products
- etc 


- Discount at Costa Sands Resorts
- Discount at Wild Wild Wet
- Discount at Escape Theme Park
- MyGolfKaki Membership at $160 Annually
- Free Golf Insurance with MyGolfKaki
- Special Travel Packages
- Discounts on Regional Hotels and Resorts
- Save $2 on Movie Pass
- Special deals at movie screenings
- Discounted Admissions to DXO, Union Square, Happy Days and Jest D’ Place
- Comprehensive Range of Sports and Wellness Activities
- etc

More information on the benefits and privileges of becoming a union member can be found on the website or through a range of publicity materials in the newspapers or pick up brochures, posters and banners at various NTUC locations such as NTUC Fairprice, NTUC Healthcare Unity pharmacies etc.


