NTUC celebrates a memorable May Day with workers and their families
12 May 2007
Media Release
1. As part of this year’s May Day celebrations, the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) lined up two events to recognise and reward the contributions of the workers together with their families. Both events, the May Day Model Workers’ Awards Presentation Ceremony and the May Day Carnival, took place at Downtown East. More than 20,000 workers and their families participated in the two events. The Guest of Honour for the two events was Mr Lim Boon Heng, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office.
2. In line with the Model Workers’ Award to celebrate an inclusive workforce, this year sees the highest number of workers receiving the award. This is also the first time the award is extended to foreign workers as well as to companies which have made exceptional efforts in enhancing workers’ employability. A total of 194 workers over 70 job types across 24 sectors received their award this year. Please refer to Annex A for details.
3. The workers have been selected for their resilience to overcome obstacles to return to the workforce, belief in re-training and skills upgrading, excellent work performances and exemplary attitudes. The oldest worker to receive the award this year was 74 year Mdm Ang Kim Choo, who rejoined the workforce at the age of 60 after spending 9 years away from the workforce to look after her grandchildren. Mdm Ang said, “As long as there is work for me to do, I will do it. If it is a difficult job, I will try my best to learn until I can handle it.”
4. Four categories of awards were given out this year. These were: -
• Group 1: Back to Work Achievers!
- This award recognises those who overcome obstacles to rejoin the workforce as well as workers who are resilient and willing to undergo re-training to equip themselves to remain employable as their companies restructure
• Group 2: Silver Collar Heavyweights
- This award recognises matured workers who have integrate well into the workplace with a ‘never-say die’ attitude and demonstrate the willingness to learn and take on new challenges
• Group 3: Best-in-class in Contract Work
- This award recognises contract workers who have show relentless efforts to excel in their areas of work
• Group 4: Upgraders for Life
- This award recognises workers who exemplifies a life-long learning attitude, exudes passion and excels in their areas of work
5. Awardees were presented with a trophy and a certificate. In addition, they will also have the opportunity to go on an incentive trip to Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam for 5 days/4 nights.
6. At a concurrent event, more than 20,000 union members and their families part6icipated in a fun-filled carnival with games and variety shows for all ages at Downtown East. 200 union members and their families participated in a treasure-hunt activity hosted by the 12 social enterprises from the NTUC family (9 NTUC cooperatives, NTUC Club, NTUC Link and NTUC LearningHub). The carnival provided an opportunity for many to discover the social roles and contributions of the various social enterprises.
7. In line with the vision of “Labour Movement 2011” , the carnival helps to reinforce the role that NTUC has to play in helping members and their families to take time off and play together whereas the awards was an opportunity for the Labour Movement to recognise the efforts of the workforce in Singapore.
For media queries, please contact:
Julie Tai (Ms)
Principal Executive
Corporate Communications Department
National Trades Union Congress
DID 6213 8186
HP 9848 2483
Fax 6327 3749
About National Trades Union Congress
The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) is a national confederation of trade unions of workers in the industrial, service and public sectors representing about 480,000 workers in Singapore. It has 63 affiliated trade unions and six associations, as well as 12 social enterprises and 3 related organisations. NTUC’s objectives are to help Singapore stay competitive and workers remain employable for life; to enhance the social status and well-being of workers; and to build a strong, responsible and caring labour movement.