NTUC celebrates International Migrant's Day with Home & Migrant Voices
18 Dec 2006
Media Release
In celebration of International Migrant's Day, The Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (HOME) will be presenting a fundraising performance entitled 'Voices' on 18 December 2006, 7pm, at The Guinness Theatre, Substation, 45 Armenian Street. This is a theatrical and musical performance by residents of HOME, a shelter for migrant workers in distress.
“Voices” is about a distant future, a faraway land, uncertainty and excitement. This is a story of a young Indonesian woman crossing the seas to Singapore. Little did she know, her life will never be the same again.
Together with arts group, Migrant Voices, the play aims to celebrate the artistic talents of foreign workers who have made great contributions to Singapore. The event is also an opportunity for migrant workers to show their appreciation to their host country and for Singapore to affirm the hard work that our migrant workers have put in to build the Singapore that it is today.
The proceeds will go towards HOME shelters for male and female migrant workers and financial assistance scheme.
Mr Yeo Guat Kwang, MP for Aljunied GRC and Chairman of the NTUC Migrant Workers Forum (MWF) commented that “Relations between the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and local NGOs like HOME have strengthened in recent years as we work in collaboration to improve the welfare of migrant workers in Singapore.”
Under the central theme of the LM2011 vision - “Labour Movement for All, All for Labour Movement”, this will mean an ‘all inclusive’ Labour Movement serving All Collars, All Nationalities and All Ages. The NTUC plans to enhance its efforts in addressing the needs of workers from all nationalities, and will be working more closely with the local like-minded partners.
For media queries, please contact:
Ms Florence Tee
NTUC Migrant Workers Forum (MWF)
DID: 6213-8185
HP: 9846-0531
Email: florencetlf@ntuc.org.sg
Ms Bridget Lew
President, HOME
DID: 6333-8384
HP: 9450-5966
Email: bridget@home.org.sg
Ms Sha Najak
President, Migrant Voices
HP: 9173-8897
Email: sha@migrantvoices.org