NTUC calls for holistic approach to sustain efforts in the Re-Employment of Older Workers
8 March 2007
Media Release
1 At the one year milestone since the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) launched its efforts on the employment of older workers and re-employment of retired workers, it has called for a more holistic approach to sustaining these efforts.
2 In working with strategic partners over the past one year, NTUC is well aware that substantive change, both in the system and mindset, is required at the workplace to sustain the momentum of these older workers re-employment efforts.
3 Therefore, NTUC is emphasising the need to have a more structured and systematic process to facilitate a holistic approach to the re-employment of older workers. The desired end result should be a well-calibrated and objective system that is age neutral. To achieve this, NTUC has earlier identified five strategic areas of change to promote the re-employment of older workers:
a) Improve companies’ policies on re-employment of older workers
b) Redesign jobs and workplaces to make them friendly to older workers
c) Adopt age neutral wage structure
d) Train and upgrade skills of older workers for new job roles
e) Enhance employability of older workers
4 In addition to existing programmes, like the Job Re-creation Programme, which support these five strategic areas in the re-employment of older workers, NTUC today launched two new programmes to further help companies come on board the older workers re-employment efforts. With the two new programmes – Seniors’ Employment Guidance and U-Health – NTUC hopes that more companies would find it easier to embark on their older workers re-employment efforts, and in doing, so enhance the employment of older workers.
5 Developed by the Centre for Seniors and NTUC, the Seniors’ Employment Guidance Programme is targeted at workers nearing their retirement age and human resources professionals. The comprehensive programme covers relevant topics from understanding all aspects of ageing, managing of finances to re-employment, so as to facilitate and promote positive ageing. (Please see ANNEX A for more details)
6 The second programme, Unions Helping Employees Achieve LifeTime Health (U-HEALTH), is a NTUC Quality Worklife Department initiative to help unionised companies implement Work Health Programmes (WHP) for their workers. With U-HEALTH, companies will be given consultation and guidance by the Health Promotion Board and its approved service providers to help their workers remain healthy and fit, so as to enhance their productivity and employability. (Please see ANNEX B for more details)
7 In a tight labour market, companies cannot afford to overlook untapped or under-utilised human capital potential in the older workers. NTUC is of the view that much more can be done to integrate various programmes to support and sustain the re-employment of older workers. Through these programmes, NTUC has led the way in helping companies tap the potential of their older workers. In addition, the Singapore Workforce Development Agency’s ADVANTAGE scheme has also helped companies embark on projects to employ or to re-employ older workers.
8 To-date, 208 companies have committed to the re-employment of older workers, with 2,674 workers above 62 being re-employed, which is a very encouraging growth from the 23 companies that first expressed their commitment at the launch of the older workers re-employment efforts in February 2006.
9 NTUC takes this opportunity to thank companies, unions and partners who have contributed to this worthy cause of developing the workplace to be more age friendly, and keeping the workforce healthy and productive.
Mdm Halimah Yacob
Assistant Secretary-General
National Trades Union Congress
For media queries, please contact:
Chung Sang Pok
Principal Executive
Corporate Communications Department
National Trades Union Congress
DID 6213 8189
HP 9672 4112
Email chungsp@ntuc.org.sg
1 Aim of Programme
The Seniors’ Employment Guidance Programme is a comprehensive program for both the human resources professionals and the workers to facilitate, promote and enable older adults to continue to be employed for as long as possible.
2 Target Audiences
a) Human Resource Personnel and Union Leaders:
i) Enhance understanding of older adults and social economic factors
ii) Promote the acceptability of a change in careers as one ages
iii) Highlight the need for preparation and offer some tips
Half day course in the form of lecture and Q & A, with no class size restriction.
b) Workers who need to make career changes for various reasons:
i) Provide participants an opportunity to assess their own circumstances, strengths, abilities and skills
ii) Explore the options available to participants to age positively
Two full day course in the form of workshops, discussions, awareness exercises, role-plays. The class size is restricted to 20.
3 Topics Covered
a) Reviewing and managing finances
b) Ageing process: physical, psychological and social aspects
c) Re-employment
d) Social engagement
4 Contact
Centre For Seniors
(Temporary Office) One Marina Boulevard, NTUC Centre 12th floor, Singapore 018989
Tel: 6213 8217
1 Aim of Programme
Unions Helping Employees Achieve LifeTime Health (U-HEALTH) is a Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) program that the NTUC Quality Worklife Department has brought specially to the unionised companies. U-HEALTH is to help unionised companies implement WHP programs to ensure their workers remain healthy and fit, therefore increasing their productivity at work. Through health screening, nutrition advice, the programme is designed to help workers know their health risk factors and empower them to make the right decisions in keeping themselves healthy and fit, thus remaining employable.
With U-HEALTH, unionised companies will be given consultation and guidance by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) and its approved service providers, in implementing a WHP program. Unionised companies will also be given special rates in implementing some components of the WHP program.
2 Content
The components of a WHP program include:
a) Basic Health Screening
b) Interventions
c) Nutrition
d) Stress Management
e) Visual Care
3 Funding
Unionised companies joining U-HEALTH will be given assistance to apply for the WHP Grant, a financial support scheme provided by HPB. The maximum grant is $5,000. However, unionised companies that have received the Singapore HEALTH Award (platinum) may apply for up to $10,000. The unionised company must co-fund the project by contributing an equal or higher amount.
4 Contact
Companies interested in the U-HEALTH programme can contact their respective unions for more information.