Model ID: f1544323-3c4d-4373-89b3-6a02f1167c4d Sitecore Context Id: f1544323-3c4d-4373-89b3-6a02f1167c4d;

NTUC awards Brancj-Level Union Leaders for their valuable contributions to the Labour Movement

They come from all walks of life, from bus drivers, security officers, teachers, aircraft mechanics, production workers, sales persons, technicians, nurses, port workers, marine supervisors, administrative officers to even journalists.
Model ID: f1544323-3c4d-4373-89b3-6a02f1167c4d Sitecore Context Id: f1544323-3c4d-4373-89b3-6a02f1167c4d;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: f1544323-3c4d-4373-89b3-6a02f1167c4d Sitecore Context Id: f1544323-3c4d-4373-89b3-6a02f1167c4d;

NTUC awards Brancj-Level Union Leaders for their valuable contributions to the Labour Movement


8 July 2008

Media Release

1 They come from all walks of life, from bus drivers, security officers, teachers, aircraft mechanics, production workers, sales persons, technicians, nurses, port workers, marine supervisors, administrative officers to even journalists. They are ordinary folks but with an extraordinary spirit. What binds them together is their spirit of wanting to serve and help their fellow workers at the workplaces as union leaders.

2 As union leaders at the branch or company level, they negotiate wages, bonuses and even retrenchment benefits on behalf of their members with managements; they speak up for their members on workplace grievances and unfair treatment; they encourage their fellow workers to go for retraining and skills upgrading; they work with managements to re-employ their older and retired workers; they participate in job re-creation efforts to give their fellow workers better jobs with better pay; they raise funds for bursary awards and food vouchers to help needy members and their families; and the list of their union-related duties goes on.

3 In most cases, these union-related duties are over and above the union leaders’ regular jobs and responsibilities.

4 Currently, in the 62 NTUC-affiliated unions and six affiliated associations, there are more than 7,000 branch-level union leaders or branch officials in about 1,000 unionised companies. What makes these union leaders tick is their passion in fighting and caring for their fellow workers’ interests and welfare. Through the unions, these union leaders find innovative ways to reach out and provide assistance to their members and workers in the areas of work, live and play.

5 Leaders set the direction and pace of progress for their organisations. So, in the same vein, the quality and energy of union leaders make a big difference to the outcomes of their unions, members, workers and companies. However, the role and work of these union leaders are often not heard of because many of them work behind the scenes to help their members and workers.

6 To accord outstanding union leaders recognition for their valuable contributions to their members, workers and the Labour Movement as a whole, the NTUC Leadership Development Department introduced the annual Branch Officials Recognition Award (BORA) in 2001 to highlight the value-add of the union leaders. Since the inception of BORA, more than 200 unionists have been recognised for their passion, hard work and determination in helping their members and workers earn a better living and live a better life.

7 This year, NTUC is presenting the BORA to 73 – the highest number ever – union leaders from 52 unions in a simple ceremony to be held on Wednesday, 9 July 2008 at Scarlet City, AMK Hub, and graced by NTUC President John De Payva and Secretary-General Lim Swee Say. (Please see Annex A for the BORA criteria)

8 Reflecting an inclusive labour movement for all ages, there are nine awardees aged 40 years and below, and six awardees aged 60 years and above, among the 73 union leaders. The youngest union leader to be awarded is Port Officers’ Union’s Mr Royston Tan, who is 32 years old and works as a Harbour Pilot. Mr Lim Bak Po, who is 64 years old – the oldest awardee, works as a Laboratory Technician at Monfort Secondary School and has served with the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees for over 20 years.

9 The BORA comes with a study trip element that helps the union leaders learn and compare between Singapore's experience and those in nearby countries. This year, the awardees will embark on a four-day learning journey to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Led by Mr Teo Yock Ngee, Secretary for Financial Affairs, NTUC; and Mr Zainudin Nordin, Director for Unit for Contract and Casual Workers and for Care and Share, NTUC, the union leaders will be able to see how Vietnam is trying to cope with record inflation while striving to keep its economic development on track, and contrast that with Singapore’s situation.

10 Apart from recognising and rewarding union leaders for their contributions to the Labour Movement, the BORA also serves to create more opportunities for interaction and networking among executive committee leaders and branch officials from the various unions and associations.

Heng Chee How
Deputy Secretary-General and
Director, Leadership Development Department
National Trades Union Congress


NTUC Branch Officials Recognition Award Criteria

Unions/associations are required to nominate their union leaders for the Branch Officials Recognition Award. Nominated union leaders must have served at least one term as a union official and would have to be active in union work and projects, and have contributed to the union and the Labour Movement.

The unions/associations must list the outstanding contributions that the nominated union leader has achieved for the union in terms of the following areas:


  • Membership recruitment
  • Labour management relations
  • Change advocate (e.g. support in the areas of employability and training, Customer-Centric Initiative, Best Sourcing Initiative, Job Re-creation Programme, employment of older workers, work life balance, etc)
  • Any other special contributions



