Model ID: afa3c052-f4e1-47f8-903a-69cea4fe8e61 Sitecore Context Id: afa3c052-f4e1-47f8-903a-69cea4fe8e61;

NTUC and the Government Renew Commitment to Stand by Workers

Strong bonds with NTUC to put workers at the heart of everything they do for years to come.
Model ID: afa3c052-f4e1-47f8-903a-69cea4fe8e61 Sitecore Context Id: afa3c052-f4e1-47f8-903a-69cea4fe8e61;
By Fawwaz Baktee 15 Oct 2019
Model ID: afa3c052-f4e1-47f8-903a-69cea4fe8e61 Sitecore Context Id: afa3c052-f4e1-47f8-903a-69cea4fe8e61;

NTUC and the People’s Action Party (PAP) leadership must sustain strong bonds just as they have had done in the past decades as Singapore sails into uncharted waters.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said this in his speech at NTUC National Delegates’ Conference on 15 October 2019 at the Orchid Country Club.

“We are once again sailing into uncharted waters. The world is filled with uncertainties, our economy is entering a new phase, technology is transforming many industries, and emerging businesses are disrupting established players. Our workers have to be ready for change,” he said.

Mr Lee also compared Singapore’s situation with other countries, stating that workers in other countries are generally left alone to fend for themselves, many are left behind by progress, and that the masses are angry that the elites in their society are disconnected.

Symbiotic Relationship is Key

He added that to avoid such dire outcomes in Singapore, one key foundation is the symbiotic relationship between the PAP and NTUC.

“We already have a Government that represents workers’ interests – it is the PAP Government. The party will remain close to its roots in the Labour Movement. That is why many PAP Members of Parliament are from NTUC. And in Cabinet, the NTUC Secretary-General sits as a full Minister, and speaks up for workers when policies are made,” said Mr Lee.

He added that the PAP’s fundamental objective is to advance the well-being and future of workers.

Mr Lee also said that the Labour Movement has participated as an equal and constructive partner in the creation of prosperity and growth.

Addressing unionists, he said: “Workers have enjoyed a fair share of the fruits of your efforts. You have influence and interests within the system. You don’t have to go outside it, work around it, or worse, try to pull it down. This is your system. The PAP is working with you, for you. For Singapore.”

Commitment Renewal

Concluding his speech, Mr Lee renewed the PAP government’s commitment to workers.

At the Labour Movement Modernization Seminar in 1969, Singapore pioneer leaders such as Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Mr S Rajaratnam and Dr Goh Keng Swee had promised to keep Singaporean workers at the centre of Singapore’s economic and social developmental efforts.

“This promise remains as relevant and essential today, as it was 50 years ago … We will always stand with workers and ensure your well-being. We will always do our best to help you and your children progress with Singapore, and have a better life. And we will ensure that no Singaporean, regardless of family background or circumstances, will ever be shut out from opportunities or left behind,” said Mr Lee.