Model ID: dd354fab-a5e2-42e3-a3f6-b06b5b10ba3a Sitecore Context Id: dd354fab-a5e2-42e3-a3f6-b06b5b10ba3a;

NTUC and NTU collaborate to help working people to be future ready

Prime Minister Lee also announced the first such collaboration between National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in his May Day speech on 1 May 2016.
Model ID: dd354fab-a5e2-42e3-a3f6-b06b5b10ba3a Sitecore Context Id: dd354fab-a5e2-42e3-a3f6-b06b5b10ba3a;
01 May 2016
Model ID: dd354fab-a5e2-42e3-a3f6-b06b5b10ba3a Sitecore Context Id: dd354fab-a5e2-42e3-a3f6-b06b5b10ba3a;

$200 million Boost to the NTUC-Education & Training Fund

As the workforce evolves, it is crucial that the Labour Movement evolves in tandem. The Labour Movement sees the importance of meeting the changing needs and aspirations of our working people, including a growing group of Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs) in our workforce, to pursue career development opportunities.

At May Day Rally, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced additional funding support by the Government to the NTUC-Education and Training Fund (NETF) as it believes that the Labour Movement is able to mobilise working people from the ground to embrace continuous lifelong learning, and achieve sustainable push for skills upgrading for all working adults, especially PMEs.

The Labour Movement is targeting to inject an additional sum of $200 million into the NTUC-Education and Training Fund. The National Trades Union Congress will be raising $50 million whilst the Government will provide a 1:3 matching grant of up to a cap of $150 million. Investment income from the trust fund will then be used to fund courses through course fees subsidies aimed at helping members to upskill or reskill. The Labour Movement will collaborate with suitable Institutes of Higher Learning to bring relevant courses to all working people looking to upgrade their skills to fulfill their career aspirations.

NTUC-NTU Collaboration

Prime Minister Lee also announced the first such collaboration between National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in his May Day speech on 1 May 2016. The partnership between NTUC and NTU will help to advance the professional development of the Singapore’s workforce in preparation for future challenges. NTUC will tap on its network of unions, U Associates, partners and NTUC Social Enterprises to mobilise workers to upskill and reskill for better jobs in the future.
NTUC Secretary-General Chan Chun Sing said, “This is the first time that NTUC is collaborating with an Institute of Higher Learning. We believe such a partnership creates a win-win-win outcome for working adults, the NTU and the Labour Movement. With strong support from the Government, this collaboration will encourage more working people to embrace continuous lifelong learning as the economy transforms. We hope to work with more Institutes of Higher Learning to bring an even wider range of courses to prepare our workers for future opportunities.”

Professor Freddy Boey, NTU’s Provost said, “NTU is very proud be able to contribute towards Singapore’s huge effort in SkillsFuture in this partnership with NTUC, to ensure our workforce remains globally competitive and Singapore companies to flourish in today’s fast-changing technology landscape. Our PMEs can now leverage on NTU’s deep expertise in established and emerging technologies. We want more Singaporeans to benefit from the world-class education that we already provide, as a university that is ranked 13th in the world.”

Courses for Future Career Growth

NTU also announced the setting up of the College of Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) as it works with NTUC, its first and largest partner. For a start, working people can look forward to 28 Technology Enabled Learning (TEL) courses jointly identified by NTUC and NTU. Commencing in August 2016, it will include part-time modular courses, each spanning 13 weeks, for key growth sectors such as Biomedical Instrumentation, Data Analytics, Digital Electronics, Nanomaterials fundamentals and applications, as well as advanced Molecular Genetics. Refer to Annex 1 for a sample list of courses.

NTUC is currently working closely with NTU to further identify and develop more suitable courses to meet the specific needs of our working people and stakeholders such as business owners and senior executives of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as freelancers and the self-employed in subsequent phases of this partnership.

Such courses will allow working professionals to update their knowledge on specific topics. The accumulated academic credits could lead to a specialist modular certificate, and eventually be counted towards a university degree, if so desired.

Flexible Learning Enabled by Technology

A pioneer in new learning technologies, NTU is on track to redesign 1,500 of its full time courses using the flipped classroom pedagogy by 2020 for Technology Enabled Learning (TEL). In the near future, many of these 1,500 interactive courses will be opened to PMEs. All lectures and course materials will be re-designed and streamlined into smaller modules accessible by students online before they meet in the classroom for discussions led by faculty members.

Course Funding for Union Members

For courses under this partnership, union members can also enjoy course fee subsidy under the Union Training Assistance Programme, subject to a maximum sum of $250 per year, on top of the $500 SkillsFuture Credit provided by the Government.

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