Model ID: 4a6a1e5e-040b-4882-aa9f-8df706bf9136 Sitecore Context Id: 4a6a1e5e-040b-4882-aa9f-8df706bf9136;

NTUC and IES launch the Young Engineers Leadership Programme to groom 500 young aspiring engineers

The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and its U Associate, The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) have officially launched the inaugural Young Engineers Leadership (YEL) Programme today.
Model ID: 4a6a1e5e-040b-4882-aa9f-8df706bf9136 Sitecore Context Id: 4a6a1e5e-040b-4882-aa9f-8df706bf9136;
19 Aug 2014
Model ID: 4a6a1e5e-040b-4882-aa9f-8df706bf9136 Sitecore Context Id: 4a6a1e5e-040b-4882-aa9f-8df706bf9136;

The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and its U Associate, The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) have officially launched the inaugural Young Engineers Leadership (YEL) Programme today. The YEL Programme is a year-long national initiative aimed at nurturing young engineering talents into future leaders who are able to address global challenges, by equipping them with the necessary leadership skills and technology management knowledge.

Carrying the theme of “Empower the Next Generation of Engineers”, the YEL Programme features a stellar line-up of 27 renowned engineers, C-suite leaders and entrepreneurs from local and international organisations. They include Ms Frederique Covington-Corbett, International Marketing Director of Twitter (Asia Pacific, India, Middle East, Africa and Canada); Mr Tan Pheng Hock, President and Chief Executive Officer of Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd; Professor Cham Tao Soon, Founding President of Nanyang Technological University; Mr Seah Moon Ming, Chairman of International Enterprise, Singapore; Mr Henn Tan, Chief Executive Officer of Trek 2000 International Limited and Er. Dr Lee Bee Wah, Chairperson of the Government Parliamentary Committee for National Development; among many others.

Participants will be put through a combination of classroom-based knowledge sharing; practical training comprising dialogue sessions and networking opportunities with policy makers and industry leaders; as well as exposure-oriented training including site visits to engineering and technology companies of different sectors. (Please refer to YEL Programme Booklet for the detailed programme synopsis)

These participants will enjoy high-valued takeaways on both technical and soft skills upgrading through monthly training sessions, e-learning platforms, online community interactions and networking opportunities with the most brilliant minds in the engineering industry. Over 500 engineers are expected to benefit from this programme by completing 10 core modules on technology management skills, as well as leadership and soft skills.

“As knowledge-based industries continue to grow in significance in our economy, engineers will have to complement their extensive technical expertise with leadership and entrepreneurial skills to lead and advance local technology-based organisations into top global companies,” said Er. Chong Kee Sen, President, IES. “As the national society for engineers, IES has initiated the Young Engineers Leadership Programme and are committed to work with NTUC to groom young engineering talents of today into next generation leaders who drive change and enable progress of our economy, our society and our lives.”

The YEL Programme is supported by the NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute). e2i will offer 50 per cent funding support of the programme fee of $1,500 for each employed local professionals, managers and executives (PMEs).

Union members can also tap on the Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP), and claim up to $250 worth of subsidies if they sign up for the programme on their own and not through their companies. This is on top of the 50 per cent funding support provided by e2i.

“Fresh graduates and existing engineers need to deepen their skills to advance successfully in the manufacturing industry. The YEL Programme is a good initiative targeted at equipping young engineers with the necessary leadership skills and knowledge in technology management to help them progress in their careers. e2i is pleased to collaborate with IES to reach out to these engineers and support their training,” said Mr Gilbert Tan, Chief Executive Officer, e2i.

Moving forward, Mr Vivek Kumar, Secretary of the NTUC Membership Council, reiterated that NTUC will continue to work closely with IES to implement more customised programmes to engage the engineering community and bring on board benefits that cater to the needs of its members.

“The YEL Programme marks the beginning of a whole new journey with our U Associate, IES. Through Young Engineers Leadership Programme, 500 young engineers will undergo some 100 hours of professional development in the year. The Labour Movement will continue to work hand in hand with IES to help our young engineers to excel in work, live and play. Our goal is to equip them with a solid foundation of engineering knowledge, as well as strategic leadership skills, so that they will be able to progress in their careers in engineering and related professions.” said Mr Vivek Kumar, Secretary, NTUC Membership Council.

