Model ID: 8465a175-24b7-43eb-ab72-74791ba95758 Sitecore Context Id: 8465a175-24b7-43eb-ab72-74791ba95758;

NTUC Womens Development Secretariat unveils three key work-life initiatives for 2012

Work-Life balance is good for both employers and employees. Employees who feel supported and appreciated are likely to be more engaged and productive. Despite this, many organisations still lag behind in such efforts. Hence, I urge all employers to accord higher priority to work-life balance,
Model ID: 8465a175-24b7-43eb-ab72-74791ba95758 Sitecore Context Id: 8465a175-24b7-43eb-ab72-74791ba95758;
20 Apr 2012
Model ID: 8465a175-24b7-43eb-ab72-74791ba95758 Sitecore Context Id: 8465a175-24b7-43eb-ab72-74791ba95758;

Enhancing family-friendly workplaces and boost productivity

Employees suffer from stress, burnout and frustrations because they are not able to cope well with the multiple roles that they perform, and this in turn can affect their sense of satisfaction, well-being and happiness, which can impact productivity at the workplace.

To help businesses and employees cope with this, a series of lunchtime talks centering on work-life will be rolled out this year.  Organised by the NTUC Women Development’s Secretariat (WDS), these talks aim to address how working individuals could better harmonise their family and work demands and commitments.

“Work-Life balance is good for both employers and employees.  Employees who feel supported and appreciated are likely to be more engaged and productive.  Despite this, many organisations still lag behind in such efforts.  Hence, I urge all employers to accord higher priority to work-life balance,” said Mdm Halimah Yacob, Minister of State for Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS), who was the Guest-of-Honour, at today’s work-life seminar where the initiatives were unveiled.  The event, attended by some 150 guests comprising union leaders as well as management representatives, was held at the Marina Mandarin Hotel.

Ms Sylvia Choo, Director, NTUC WDS, added, “We are looking at organising a minimum of 50 sessions for each initiative which will together should benefit at least 3,000 employees.  This is important even as companies look at different ways to improve their productivity, they should not forget that a happy employee will make a more productive worker!”

Lunchtime Talk Series – “Work Out or Burn Out” and “Dad & Working Mums”

This is the third year since NTUC WDS has introduced lunchtime talks centering on work-life in 2010.  This year, two new talks – “Work Out or Burn Out” and “Dads & Working Mums” are launched to address how working individuals could better harmonise their family and work demands and commitments.  

In the past two years, NTUC WDS’ lunchtime talk series have seen participation from 100 companies reaching out close to 3,500 employees.  Past talks focused on individual work-life integration as well as health talks.  By raising the awareness on health issues, it believed that a healthier workforce would also make for a more productive workforce.

The cost of the session is complimentary for the first 50 companies who can confirm their interest for each talk.

“Money Not Enough”

Now into its fourth year, NTUC WDS’s iconic Little Ones @ Work, which has enjoyed tremendous support from companies, would also take on a new dimension this year.  Included in the mix in a one-hour fun activity – “Money Not Enough” – where through games, employees and their children will learn together how to better manage their budgets and resources.  This activity is funded by the MCYS (Refer to the Annex A for a synopsis of the activity.)

The Little Ones @ Work is also further supported by NTUC WDS.  Each organisation can enjoy 50 per cent funding of the actual cost incurred, capped at $500 per company, for planning this family-friendly programme at their workplaces.  Since its launch in 2009, the Little Ones @ Work has seen some 160 companies and 7,200 children participate in the initiative.

Companies who are interested to register for these work-life initiatives can contact NTUC Women’s Development Secretariat

