1 In keeping with the National Trades Union Congress’s (NTUC) commitment to care for seniors, U Live, the Labour Movement’s community for active agers 55 years and above, organised the U Live Symposium on Sunday, 17 July 2011. Admission was free to the symposium, and it focused on promoting lifelong learning to seniors in the areas of Work, Live and Play.
2 To encourage seniors to pick up new skills, keep their minds and bodies active and stay up-to-date on ever-changing technology, U Live collaborated with 35 partners to provide a variety of educational and informative workshops, re-employment talks and course sign-ups. Seniors looking for work could also submit their job applications for employment opportunities at various NTUC Social Enterprises and partners. NTUC Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) Seng Han Thong and Deputy Secretary-General (DSG) Heng Chee How, who was also the Guest-of-Honour, visited the symposium on Sunday.
3 "With re-employment, we enable older employees to carry on contributing at work. At the same time, we want our active agers to stay physically and mentally fit, and be happy. U Live will organise many events and activities to cater to their needs and interests. We showcase some of these at today's symposium. We hope many seniors will find them interesting, and join us to make more friends and to enjoy life,” said DSG Heng.
4 “We received good feedback from many of our members last year, they enjoyed themselves and benefited from the information shared. This year, the majority of our workshops reached their maximum capacity even before the registration deadline, and we are heartened by their enthusiastic response. We will continue to enhance our programmes and grow together with our members, giving them the opportunities to pursue an active ageing lifestyle that is happy, healthy, productive and purposeful (H2P2),” said Mr Yeo Khee Leng, Chief Executive Officer, NTUC Club.
5 U Live celebrates its second birthday this month as one of Singapore’s largest community of seniors with more than 105,000 members. In the past year, it has further strengthened its efforts to encourage seniors to stay employed, enriched and engaged by partnering various organisations like the Health Promotion Board (HPB), National Library Board, Centre for Seniors and the Council for Third Age (C3A), to offer more relevant programmes and activities that benefit members.
Highlights of U Live Symposium 2011
Pilates While You Cook! – Cooking Demonstration by Violet Oon
Singapore’s leading food guru, Violet Oon, conducted a cooking class called ‘Pilates While You Cook!’ Together with Pilates instructor, Barrie Robertson, they taught participants how to whip up tasty dishes in the kitchen, while incorporating simple moves and exercises that help to strengthen the back and core muscles.
Re-Employment Opportunities in the Service Industry
Employability coaches from NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) shared tips on how active agers could enhance their employability. The talk was followed by individual job assessments and consultations where the coaches determined their job readiness, how they could prepare themselves for job interviews, and recommended suitable jobs and training courses.
Internet and E-Communications for Seniors by Seniors Workshop
Active trainers from RSVP Singapore – The Organisation of Senior Volunteers, promoted IT skills among the active agers and taught them how to use the Internet and e-communications, such as email and Facebook, to keep in touch with family and friends.
Does Eating Right Help in Preventing Cancer?
Experts from the Parkway Cancer Centre shared insights on good nutrition and food choices that are beneficial to the health and wellness of active agers and help to minimise the risk of cancer.