This year, the Labour Movement (LM) commemorates the 5th anniversary of the NTUC-U Care Fund with the organising of two fundraisers, which aims to raise more funds than in a typical year. The first fundraiser this year is the U Care–OCC Charity Golf on Friday 2 May, whereby Orchid Country Club (OCC) is jointly organising their first charity golf event with U Care Fund.
Some 130 golfers comprising union leaders, management and tripartite partners will be coming together to support the U Care Fund through the purchase of golf flights and outright donations. With their support, the first fundraiser of the year has thus far managed to garner $1,494,500 in donations from 28 unions and corporations.
Mr Zainal Sapari, Assistant Secretary-General, NTUC, and Director, Care and Share department said, “Since its inception in 2009, the U Care Fund had disbursed over $59.2 million to help our low income union members and their families in times of need. More significantly, the U Care Fund is about creating a sense of belonging and hope for a better future for the families of our low income union members as we aspire towards being an inclusive society. As we mark our 5th anniversary this year, we will strive to Do More so that we could continue to make a positive difference to the lives of our beneficiaries.”
Also doing its part to celebrate this year’s May Day as a club of the LM with facilities accessible for workers, OCC will be holding its inaugural OCC May Fest 2014. This three-day event will be held from 2 to 4 May 2014, with the U Care – OCC Charity Golf as the club’s first signature event to commence the festivities. A series of other fun-filled events which includes golf challenges, a golf carnival (in collaboration with U Sports), and sporting activities will be held over the remaining two days to let members and their families celebrate May Day.
Captain of OCC who is also the co-chairman of the U Care-OCC Charity Golf Organising Committee, Mr Oscar Oliverio remarked, “Orchid Country Club is honoured to be a part of the charity golf event as it gives the Club the opportunity to give back to the community. As part of the LM, we decided to work with U Care Fund this year to do more good through this fundraising event. For the donors who have generously supported this event, they would be able to enjoy a unique golfing experience which will be filled with novelty challenges and lots of fun. It will definitely be one event to remember!”
Making a Difference ~ Touching Lives is what the U Care Fund stands for. In supporting this meaningful cause, the NTUC FairPrice Foundation will present a $1 million cheque to the U Care Fund during the charity golf event to launch the fundraising efforts of the LM for the year. It is hoped that more funds can be raised than last year so that reserves of the U Care Fund can be built up over time so as to be prepared for unforeseen times of need.
Mr Tan Kian Chew, Group Chief Executive Officer of NTUC FairPrice and Director of FairPrice Foundation said, “As part of the Labour Movement, NTUC FairPrice is happy to support and contribute to the U Care Fund. This effort will help to bring some financial relief to low-income union members and their families. By taking the lead in this donation drive, we also hope to spread the spirit of compassion so that together, we can continue to do more good for the community.”
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