1 Purpose
1.1 As members of the Charity, we have an obligation to act in the best interest of the Charity. Hence, we need to avoid situations where there may be real, potential or perceived conflicts of interest, which may arise where a member’s personal or family interest conflicts with those of the Charity.
1.2 Such conflicts may create problems that may result in the following:
1.3 This Policy aims to protect both the Charity and its members from any appearance of impropriety.
1.4 Board members should serve without remuneration for their voluntary service to the charity so as to maintain the integrity of serving for public trust and community good instead of personal gain. However, charities may reimburse board members for out-of-pocket expenses directly related to the service.
2 Definitions
2.1 “Charity” refers to the charity named as the issuer of this document.
2.2 “Member” refers to a board member or management member or staff member or volunteer member of the charity.
2.3 “Policy” refers to the Conflict of Interest Policy.
2.4 “Interest” means any commitment, investment, relationship, obligation, or involvement, financial or otherwise that may influence a person’s judgement. This would include:
2.5 A conflict of interest arises when the personal interests of the member/staff may potentially interfere with the performance of his/her duties in the charity. When actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest arises, the integrity, fairness and accountability of the person may be affected, which could impede the best interest of the charity.
3 Declaration of Interests
3.1 Given the stated purpose of this Policy, we are asking:
3.2 A declaration of interest form is provided for this purpose. The types of interest to be declared will include, but not limited to the following:
3.3 To be effective, the declaration of interests needs to be updated in written form at least annually and also when any changes occur.
3.4 In situations where members are not sure what to declare, or whether/when your declaration needs to be updated, they are strongly encouraged to err on the side of caution or seek advice from the Board/ senior management/ supervisors.
3.5 All disclosure of interest made by members and decisions made by the Board/senior management of the charity on such matters must be recorded, updated and filed with the Board’s Secretariat.
4 Operating Procedures
4.1 If the Board needs to make a decision on an issue where the Board member(s) has/have an interest, it is the responsibility of the Board member(s) to:
4.2 If the Board needs to make a decision on an issue where the Board member(s) has/have an interest, it is the responsibility of the Board to ensure that:
4.3 It is the responsibility of the Board to:
4.4 It is the sole responsibility of any member of the Charity to report any possible real, potential or perceived conflict of interest. If it is an oversight of the Charity, the member shall promptly inform the Charity that he has been put in such a position of conflict of interest.
4.5 No member of the Charity shall derive any personal profit or gain, directly or indirectly, by reason of his or her participation with the Charity. Each individual shall disclose to the Charity any personal interest which he or she may have in any matter pending before the organisation and shall refrain from participation in any decision on such matter.
4.6 Any member of the Charity or of a client organisation or vendor of the Charity shall identify his or her affiliation with such agency or agencies; further, he shall not participate in the decision affecting that agency.
4.7 Any member of the Charity or its Consultants / Business Partners shall refrain from obtaining any list of clients for personal or private solicitation purposes at any time during the term of their affiliation.
4.8 Any member who is also a user of the Charity’s services, or the carer of someone who uses the charity’s services shall not be involved in decisions that directly affect the service received by the person he / she cares for. He / She shall declare his / her interest at the earliest opportunity and withdraw from any subsequent discussion. The same applies if the conflict concerns any other reason(s).
4.9 A member of the Charity may, however, participate in discussions from which he / she may indirectly benefit, for example where the benefits are universal to all users.
4.10 The Board of the charity shall have the right to suspend any involvement of any member/staff when it has come to their attention that a potential actual or perceived conflict has arose, but has not been voluntarily disclosed by the relevant member.
5 Violations
5.1 Any violation will result in discipline, up to and including termination from employment or removal from the board, or expulsion from being a volunteer member of the charity.