Model ID: 570cdd8d-5e3b-40a1-a0f8-70cc4f78c040 Sitecore Context Id: 570cdd8d-5e3b-40a1-a0f8-70cc4f78c040;

NTUC Training & Placement Ecosystem aims to grow the support for companies in job matching, training, innovation and talent retention

Throughout the pandemic, the NTUC T&P ecosystem has been helping companies transform their operations, improve their productivity, and upskill their workers.
Model ID: 570cdd8d-5e3b-40a1-a0f8-70cc4f78c040 Sitecore Context Id: 570cdd8d-5e3b-40a1-a0f8-70cc4f78c040;
24 Nov 2021
Model ID: 570cdd8d-5e3b-40a1-a0f8-70cc4f78c040 Sitecore Context Id: 570cdd8d-5e3b-40a1-a0f8-70cc4f78c040;
At the inaugural NTUC Training & Placement (T&P) Symposium held today, leaders in the Labour Movement, business community and the Government discussed how companies can transform through technology adoption, job redesign and workforce training; and how employers can leverage support available at NTUC and tripartite partners to keep up with new and rapid disruptions accelerated by COVID-19. This symposium follows closely from the NTUC Ordinary Delegates’ Conference held last week on 17 November 2021, at which the tripartite partners gave their strong commitment to workers’ training and business transformation.
Some 50 physical and over 110 online guests participated in the first-ever hybrid T&P Symposium held at Downtown East and online on 24 November 2021, where business leaders from across industries such as Logistics and Precision Engineering joined in the NTUC T&P Symposium. The symposium was graced by Guest-of-Honour, NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng.
Throughout the pandemic, the NTUC T&P ecosystem has been helping companies transform their operations, improve their productivity, and upskill their workers. The objective of the symposium is to share these possibilities with more companies; engage them next to help catalyse their business transformation in a win-win approach; and enable workers and companies to become better and stronger. 
NTUC Training & Placement Ecosystem Supports Workforce and Company Transformation
The NTUC Training and Placement Ecosystem, comprising NTUC’s Employment and Employability Institute (e2i), NTUC LearningHub (LHUB), NTUC Training and Transformation (T&T) and Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute (OTCi), will serve as a one-stop intermediary to help companies transform and better serve workers’ training and job matching needs. Through collaboration with external partners and digital transformation, this integrated ecosystem would give the Labour Movement a boost in its capabilities to value add to workers in lifelong learning and contribute to companies towards their business and workforce transformation. 
On the workforce and business transformation, NTUC Deputy Secretary-General Chee Hong Tat said, ““I thank Singapore National Employers Federation and our corporate partners for their strong support to train our workers through the LearningHub Learning eXperience Platform (LXP). We encourage employers to work with NTUC to set up Companies Training and Transformation Committees, and tap on NTUC’s ecosystem of training and placement services to strengthen their enterprise and workforce capabilities. Business transformation and skills upgrading need to go hand in hand, so that workers can proactively support their employers to raise productivity and enhance the company’s competitiveness. This is key for our workers to enjoy higher wages and better work prospects.”
NTUC Training and Transformation Helps Companies Transform
To support companies, NTUC T&T steps in through its Company Training Committees (CTCs) by working with unions and companies to utilise the Operation & Technology Roadmap (OTR) tool to support workforce and business transformation. As a partner of A*STAR, Industry Training Officers from NTUC T&T team are trained and certified in the OTR methodology. Together with the unions and the extended Labour Movement family, the NTUC T&T assists companies to translate these strategies into actionable outcomes such as technology adoption, job redesign, and skills upgrading. For instance, the T&P ecosystem has helped companies such as ST Logistics and Certact Engineering to transform their operations, improve their productivity and upskill their workers. (See quotes in Annex 1)
NTUC currently has 781 CTC partners and helped 130 companies embark on their Operation and Technology Roadmap (OTR) to transform their business and workforce. By coming onboard CTCs, companies would be able to tap on services from the ecosystem, i.e. in business strategy planning, job matching, job redesign, workforce training and leadership development.
NTUC’s e2i and NTUC Job Security Council Help Workers with Skills Upgrading and Job Matching
The NTUC Job Security Council (JSC) started looking at pre-retrenchment intervention over a year back just before COVID-19 engulfed Singapore. The virus accelerated transformation as companies have been forced to review their business models and pivot their operations for survival and sustainability. The job security of workers has also been adversely affected, with jobs lost and some roles have become defunct. Since February 2020 to date, JSC operationalised by e2i has helped more than 41,000 workers through various efforts such as matching displaced workers into new jobs or helping workers transit to secondary jobs. JSC is also focused on supporting employers and workers to constantly reskill and upskill to ensure workers, regardless of age, remain relevant and grow in tandem with company transformation plans. Companies onboard the ecosystem can tap on e2i for one-stop manpower planning and job matching solutions. 
“Even whilst our workers and companies are coping with the challenges posed by the pandemic, we need to help prepare them for the future. The platform of support for training, placement and job redesign have come together for NTUC to create greater value for workers and employers alike. While every transformation journey is particularly tough in the beginning, the NTUC Training & Placement team will walk alongside your company and empower your workers for the future of work. Our first T&P Symposium serves to inspire companies to boldly take the first step. It also signifies the beginning of the next step towards building stronger business capabilities and a resilient and adaptive workforce,” said Mr Gilbert Tan, Director of Training & Placement Division of NTUC and CEO of e2i. 
NTUC LearningHub to Democratise World-Class Online Training for Singaporeans to Build Workforce Competencies and Business Capabilities
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed today for NTUC LearningHub Learning eXperience Platform (LXP) symbolises Tripartite (Government-Labour Movement-Employers) commitment to help workers and companies stay relevant and competitive through learning transformation. 
NTUC LearningHub will work closely with SkillsFuture Singapore, SNEF and employers to:
a. Ensure that learning is kept affordable for eligible Singaporeans by working with SkillsFuture Singapore; to allow Singaporeans to offset their annual subscription fee to the LearningHub Learning eXperience Platform (LXP) with their available SkillsFuture Credit. This helps workers further defray the platform's affordable annual subscription fees.
b. Leverage SNEF's extensive network of employers; to support organisations' jobs and transformation efforts through LHUB LXP. 
c. Provide employees with on-the-go training that leads to strong employment outcomes for their workers. This is made possible through collaboration with employers, including: 1) Certact Engineering, 2) Certis Group, 3) Copthorne King's Hotel Singapore & M Hotel Singapore, 4) PSA Corporation, 5) Resorts World Sentosa. 

NTUC LearningHub has also solidified its continued commitment to promoting online learning to workers and employers through its newly launched LearningHub Learning eXperience Platform mobile application (LXP). This will be achieved through working with Company Training Committees (CTCs) established between Unions and Companies, direct engagements, and webinars.
“NTUC LearningHub is proud to be working actively within the Tripartite ecosystem of partners to make world-class content affordable and accessible online through our newly launched LearningHub Learning eXperience Platform (LXP) app. By democratising knowledge that is closely tied to employment outcomes, we want to help workers boost their employability while supporting companies to upskill and maximise their workforce capabilities,” says Jeremy Ong, CEO of NTUC LearningHub.
NTUC Training & Placement (T&P) Symposium
The symposium has been organised for business leaders and human resource professionals who are looking to translate business strategies into actionable outcomes such as technology adoption, job redesign, and skills upgrading to drive business transformation and growth. Company representatives can approach NTUC representatives to engage further on how the T&P ecosystem can support their business. For more information on the event, please visit
Please refer to Annex 1 for quotes from companies that have collaborated and tapped on NTUC T&P ecosystem in their transformation journey.
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