Model ID: fb883ca7-76ae-48c9-816a-cd5622b7bac4 Sitecore Context Id: fb883ca7-76ae-48c9-816a-cd5622b7bac4;

NTUC Sec-Gen to Freelancers and the Self-Employed: Come Forward and NTUC Will Assist You

NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng urges freelancers and self-employed persons to approach NTUC if they need more help to get through the Covid-19 situation.
Model ID: fb883ca7-76ae-48c9-816a-cd5622b7bac4 Sitecore Context Id: fb883ca7-76ae-48c9-816a-cd5622b7bac4;
By Fawwaz Baktee 31 Mar 2020
Model ID: fb883ca7-76ae-48c9-816a-cd5622b7bac4 Sitecore Context Id: fb883ca7-76ae-48c9-816a-cd5622b7bac4;

If you are a freelancer and self-employed person (SEP) facing difficulties, come forward and NTUC will assist you.

NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng had this to say to freelancers and the self-employed on 31 March 2020. He was speaking at a pop-up care centre for point-to-point drivers at Downtown East.

“In the last six weeks or so, more and more [workers] have come to see NTUC as a friend at the workplace. I hope the freelancers and self-employed will come to us. If there are any Government policies, even though they are very comprehensive, with issues and gaps, come to us. We will see whether NTUC can represent you in our feedback to the Government and employers,” said Mr Ng.

He added that forging a relationship with NTUC will allow freelancers and SEPs to organise and present their case to the Government. 

On More Help for Freelancers and SEPs

The National Taxi Association (NTA) and the National Private Hire Vehicles Association (NPHVA) jointly launched the pop-up care centre for point-to-point drivers at Downtown East. The care centre was set up to help drivers apply for the NTUC Care Fund (Covid-19), NTUC Training Fund (SEPs) as well as explore other job options to retain their income.

On reaching out to more freelancers and SEPs, Mr Ng said that NTUC is looking to organise more pop-up care centres and other freelancer spaces. He added that plans are being developed.

As announced at the Resilience Budget, the SEP Income Relief Scheme (SIRS) will automatically give $1,000 a month for nine months to about 88,000 eligible freelancers and SEPs affected by the Covid-19 situation.

However, Singapore currently has about 200,000 freelancers and SEPs.

Mr Ng said that there still are freelancers and SEPs who may not automatically be eligible for SIRS.

“In my conversation with Manpower Minister Josephine Teo, we think NTUC can potentially step forward to assist the Government in this area; to see how we can collect all the different needs of freelancers and self-employed and, as I had said, present a constructive case to the Government,” said Mr Ng. 

He added that there is still space for NTUC to extend assistance and care to freelancers and SEPs, and provide them with a “dignified way to earn a wage.”

“Do it with NTUC, and we will overcome Covid-19 together,” he said. 

Related Story: Pop-Up Centre for Point-to-Point Drivers