Model ID: d8fef707-8c1b-47bb-ab25-f8b0ffe464b6 Sitecore Context Id: d8fef707-8c1b-47bb-ab25-f8b0ffe464b6;

NTUC May Day Outing for all Nationalities 2007

In recognition and appreciation of workers of all nationalities in Singapore, NTUCs traditional May Day Outing for Foreign Workers this year has extended its reach to include both foreign workers and talents.
Model ID: d8fef707-8c1b-47bb-ab25-f8b0ffe464b6 Sitecore Context Id: d8fef707-8c1b-47bb-ab25-f8b0ffe464b6;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: d8fef707-8c1b-47bb-ab25-f8b0ffe464b6 Sitecore Context Id: d8fef707-8c1b-47bb-ab25-f8b0ffe464b6;
NTUC May Day Outing for all Nationalities 2007

13 May 2007

Media Release

In recognition and appreciation of workers of all nationalities in Singapore, NTUC’s traditional May Day Outing for Foreign Workers this year has extended its reach to include both foreign workers and talents. This is in line with the “Labour Movement 2011” vision that seeks to be an inclusive and relevant movement that reaches out to all collars, all ages and all nationalities.

Traditionally, the labour movement has always shown its appreciation to foreign workers by dedicating a one day event at a place of interest in Singapore. This year, NTUC has renamed this event as “May Day Outing for All Nationalities” to widen its scope. For the first time, representatives from embassies and high commissions are also involved in the planning to add flavour to the event.

Chairman for today’s event and NTUC Central Committee member, Mr Thomas Thomas said: “Foreign workers and talents have become part and parcel of the Singapore workforce who complement Singapore’s limited human resources.” He notes that about 30% of Singapore’s workforce comprises foreigners and as a result, we have collectively become one of the world’s best workforces.

Mr Yeo Guat Kwang, co-chairman of May Day 2007 Organising Committee added that the labour movement has always recognised their contributions and that workers of all nationalities are welcome to become union member. Today they account for 18% of union membership.

More than 8,000 workers around the world, including foreign professionals have been invited for a day of fun. The organiser hopes to re-create a sense of “home” at today’s event by organising traditional games, traditional snacks of different countries and performances by foreign workers. Today’s event is made possible with the generous sponsorship of NTUC Fairprice, Singapore Labour Foundation, NTUC Club, NTUC Income, Singapore Pools Private Limited, F & N Coca Cola Pte Ltd and Gardenia Foods (S) Private Limited. Participants can also look forward to goodie bags, free drinks and snacks.

NTUC has always been and will continue to be the voice for all workers regardless of their nationalities and backgrounds. In respect of foreign workers and talents, the NTUC will continue its efforts in consolidating and strengthening existing programmes to better serve their interests.

In the area of advocacy, NTUC has been instrumental in some of the policy changes that directly affect the foreign workers. Through our joined effort with the regulatory authorities, work permit conditions were amended to ensure prompt salary payment, and to provide for salary payment through bank account. NTUC has also been instrumental in the setting up of MOM helpline and the Foreign Domestic Worker Association for Skill Training (FAST).

Together with our strategic partners, NTUC plans to roll out some new initiatives for foreign workers in the area of financial services, training and medical insurance.

In 2007, NTUC aims to reach out to more than ten thousand foreign workers through various activities such as this May Day Outing and International Migrants Day celebrations. We will continue to engage international, regional and local migrant workers organisations, Ministry of Manpower, the International Labour Foundation (ILO) and other overseas trade unions to raise the awareness of worker’s rights and the available schemes to help foreign workers in Singapore.
