Model ID: c34e85b6-e8ab-414c-acd0-d636c2d0e2d8 Sitecore Context Id: c34e85b6-e8ab-414c-acd0-d636c2d0e2d8;

NTUC Healthcare launched First Rehabilitation Outlet PhysioCare

In line with NTUC Healthcare Co-operatives social mission to help moderate the cost of healthcare in Singapore
Model ID: c34e85b6-e8ab-414c-acd0-d636c2d0e2d8 Sitecore Context Id: c34e85b6-e8ab-414c-acd0-d636c2d0e2d8;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: c34e85b6-e8ab-414c-acd0-d636c2d0e2d8 Sitecore Context Id: c34e85b6-e8ab-414c-acd0-d636c2d0e2d8;

NTUC Healthcare launched First Rehabilitation Outlet – PhysioCare


22 March 2008

Media Statement

In line with NTUC Healthcare Co-operative’s social mission to help moderate the cost of healthcare in Singapore, NHC Health Resources, a subsidiary of NTUC Healthcare, officially opened its first Medical Products and Rehabilitative Equipment outlet, “PhysioCare”, at Bukit Merah on 22 March 2008.  As Singapore faces the growth of an ageing population, the outlet will be a one-stop station that provides information, services and products to meet the needs of the elderly and their carers.

Informed choices

2. Dubbed as a third generation ‘Rehabilitation outlet’, PhysioCare not only caters to the needs of the elderly, but aims to reach out to their children and carers too.  PhysioCare will provide information, services and products to the elderly as well as the group of customers who are the carers of the elderly.  The objective is to help the elderly and their carers make informed choices when selecting the most appropriate services and products that meet their needs. The one-stop outlet also aims to help customers learn more about their own health conditions and to increase their product knowledge. PhysioCare hopes to encourage all customers to take a more proactive approach in managing their health so that they can achieve a healthy and active lifestyle.

3. Mr Benard Lee, CEO of NTUC Healthcare said, “Singapore has one of the world’s fastest ageing population. In fact by 2030, one in five residents will be 65 years and above compared to one in twelve today. Therefore it is imperative we do our small part to help Singaporeans manage and prepare for ageing issues such as illnesses, disabilities and threats from chronic diseases. PhysioCare by NTUC Healthcare hopes to educate people on ageing using a new format. These include ways to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle and practice early detection on possible illnesses.”

Unique products and services

4. PhysioCare also offers products and health equipment that promote a healthy lifestyle. Some of these products include exercise balls, stretch bands and pedometers and calorie counters, body fat analyzers, organic health food etc. It also provides services and products that are unique to the outlet. This includes a foot scanning station that caters to customers who suffer from sports injuries. The station can also help customers diagnose foot problems such as flat feet, heel spurs, and bunions. Another unique feature of PhysioCare is that it has professionally-trained health personnel to provide rehabilitative therapy advice to customers besides selling health products. The health personnel at the outlet will also be able to provide counseling advice and physical therapy to customers. He can also assist customers with pain management, back problems or similar conditions.This service is free of charge and will benefit all PhysioCare’s customers.

5. Customers can also find out more information on workplace and home safety. Specific safety and emergency products such as ‘anti-slip paint’ for bathroom floors, home emergency contact systems, oxygen therapy etc. will be showcased at the outlet. Educational videos will be screened at the outlet, providing information about certain medical conditions. These videos aim to educate customers on preventive treatments.

Official Opening of PhysioCare

6. At the official opening of PhysioCare, customers and guests took part in various health screening programs such as blood glucose and cholesterol tests, bone density tests and body fat measurements. For those with foot pain problems, they were also treated to a free feet scan at the foot scanning station. The Centre for Seniors also performed a skit on “Active ageing” at the opening.  A funfilled wheelchair “race” was held between a group of youths and the elderly, demonstrating the fun that the young and the old could have together, participating in a common activity.

Future Plan

7. NTUC Healthcare plans to set up another three to four PhysioCare outlets in the next one to two years in anticipation of greater demands due to an ageing population.  These outlets will be set up in strategic locations to benefit as many elderly and their carers as possible.

An inclusive and caring NTUC Healthcare

8. NTUC Healthcare will continue to strive and grow stronger as it further its social mission. As part of the labour movement family, it will also work towards supporting the labour movement’s vision to be an inclusive and caring labour movement that reaches out to working people of all collars, all ages and all nationalities.

