NTUC Forklift Safety Focus Project
16 November 2007
Media Release
1 In 2006, transport equipment or vehicle and lifting equipment have accounted for 45.1% of all fatal injuries in workplaces as illustrated in Figure A. Among the accidents involving transport equipment or vehicles, forklift-related accidents contributed to more than 50% of the fatal injuries (See Figure B). Nine people have died from such accidents in 2006 and there is also an upward trend in the number of non-fatal injuries (98 in 2006). These statistics, coupled with the fact that forklifts are widely used in many operations, reaffirm the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC)’s need for a targeted intervention programme.
2 Thus, to facilitate the enhancement of safety practices in forklift management at workplaces for unionised companies, NTUC partnered Tat Hong Training Services Pte Ltd, an MOM accredited provider of forklift driver’s training, and initiated the NTUC Forklift Safety Focus Project for the manufacturing and logistics sectors.
3 With the new Workplace Safety and Health Act introduced in 2006, employers should see a need to step up their safety efforts and take responsibility to reduce workplace-related accidents and injuries. 5 such model companies[1] came forward and embarked on the NTUC Forklift Safety Focus Project to ensure that their safety procedures pertaining to forklift operations were robust and reliable. They were also keen to find out what improvements could be implemented to enhance their safety processes.
4 The pilot project involved an onsite observation of the participating companies’ forklift operations and traffic management system, with the NTUC-Tat Hong team giving consultancy advice for improvements. In support of the companies’ participation, NTUC Quality Worklife Department Director Mr Yeo Guat Kwang said, “These companies understand that the safety of workers should not be left to chance and have taken measures to ensure that their employees can return home safely to their families everyday. As the feedback given by the 5 companies was positive, companies that wish to embark on this arrangement to enhance their forklift safety management are encouraged to contact Tat Hong Training Services Pte Ltd.”
5 The participating companies found suggestions from the NTUC-Tat Hong team to be extremely relevant as the uniqueness of each organisation’s work processes and constraints were taken into consideration. The company representatives have indicated that the findings and recommendations have been shared with their management and they would work towards adopting as many recommendations as possible.
6 At the Forklift Safety Seminar at Furama City Centre organised by NTUC for the manufacturing and logistics sectors on 16 November 2007, representatives from the Ministry Of Manpower, Singapore Oxygen Air Liquide Pte Ltd and Tat Hong Training Services Pte Ltd shared case studies and best practices on forklift management. As forklift safety does not concern only the forklift operators, the seminar also educated supervisors, management, unionists and persons who work near forklifts. To continue to provide employees a safe environment to work in, NTUC hopes that more unionised companies would be pro-active and participate in such programs to promote self-checks and to improve their safety procedures.
Mr Yeo Guat Kwang
Quality Worklife Department
National Trades Union Congress
[1] The 5 unionised companies are Isola Asia Pacific (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Mitsui Electronics Asia Pte Ltd, NatSteel Asia Pte Ltd, Panasonic Refrigeration Devices Singapore Pte Ltd and Tractors Singapore Ltd
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About National Trades Union Congress (NTUC)
The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) is a national confederation of trade unions in the industrial, service and public sectors representing 500,000 workers in Singapore. NTUC comprises 63 affiliated unions, 6 affiliated taxi associations, 9 co-operatives and 6 related organisations. NTUC’s objectives are to help Singapore stay competitive and workers remain employable for life; to enhance the social status and well-being of workers; and to build a strong, responsible and caring labour movement. NTUC's vision is to be an inclusive labour movement for all collars, all ages and all nationalities. For more details on NTUC, please visit our website at http://www.ntuc.org.sg/
About Quality Worklife Department
The Quality Worklife Department strives to enhance the well-being of workers by focusing on their safety at work, state of health and healthcare needs. Working closely with the unions and tripartite partners, it formulates, promotes and executes programmes and initiatives to bring about the following outcomes: (i) a safer work environment for workers so that they can go home to their families safe and sound at the end of every work day; (ii) workers with a healthy body and healthy mind to contribute effectively at work, and to remain employable beyond the retirement age.