More taxi drivers now look at sharing their taxi with a relief driver, to cope with escalating operation costs. Most of these relief drivers drive taxis on a part-time basis to supplement their full-time income. As a result, they can only start their shift in the evening, typically after 5pm which is also when the need for taxi services are at its peak.
However, taxi drivers often face challenges in securing good and reliable relief drivers. According to the LTA, about 50% of the taxis are on still on single shift. Typically, cabbies have to put in between 12 and 14 hours of work on the road daily to offset cost of renting a taxi and the fuel, before they take in profits for the day. Therefore, taxi drivers would prefer not to cruise around empty looking for passengers and would make every effort to pick-up passengers.
NTA understands the challenges faced by our drivers and passengers. Through our existing different platforms in engaging our drivers, partners and stakeholders, we have been working together to address the challenges in a balanced and graduated approach. We will continue our efforts to work with the LTA, taxi operators and building owners to improve the infrastructure, review rules & regulations and offer support services to ensure a better match of the supply and demand of taxi services.
Thank you.
Wee Boon Kim
President, NTA