Model ID: c70c7b19-42fd-438e-845b-a209f5f39e71 Sitecore Context Id: c70c7b19-42fd-438e-845b-a209f5f39e71;

NTA Responds to Announcement by LTA on Not Renewing Smart's Taxi Operator License

In response to the announcement by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on not renewing Smart's taxi operator license, the National Taxi Associations (NTA) main concern is the taxi drivers who will be affected.
Model ID: c70c7b19-42fd-438e-845b-a209f5f39e71 Sitecore Context Id: c70c7b19-42fd-438e-845b-a209f5f39e71;
11 Jul 2013
Model ID: c70c7b19-42fd-438e-845b-a209f5f39e71 Sitecore Context Id: c70c7b19-42fd-438e-845b-a209f5f39e71;

In response to the announcement by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on not renewing Smart's taxi operator license, the National Taxi Association’s (NTA) main concern is the taxi drivers who will be affected. These taxi drivers should not be left in the lurch and their interests will be look after.

We hope that Smart can fulfil its obligations to their taxi hirers, including:

  1. To honor all outstanding payments due to drivers like hiring agreement, contractual bonuses and incentives, accident excess liability repayment and road tax rebates, etc
  2. To return all security deposit due to drivers, without deduction and prejudice from return of vehicles including early returns.

We have urged LTA to exercise their influence, and any licensing terms should ensure that resources are put in to assist taxi drivers whose livelihood will be affected by this decision. We have also requested that LTA put in a hotline for affected drivers to help address any issues. It is thus assuring that LTA is agreeable to our suggestions and will be doing its best to look after taxi drivers who may be affected.

On our part, the NTA will follow up with affected members on their concerns and we stand ready to assist them.

Mr Ang Hin Kee


National Taxi Association
