Model ID: deaa26ad-9013-4484-abf0-6eccbb941e66 Sitecore Context Id: deaa26ad-9013-4484-abf0-6eccbb941e66;

NEU QDC: Forging Ahead

Strong labour-management relations are also the focus of NEU's 11th Quadrennial Delegates' Conference (QDC).
Model ID: deaa26ad-9013-4484-abf0-6eccbb941e66 Sitecore Context Id: deaa26ad-9013-4484-abf0-6eccbb941e66;
02 Oct 2017
Model ID: deaa26ad-9013-4484-abf0-6eccbb941e66 Sitecore Context Id: deaa26ad-9013-4484-abf0-6eccbb941e66;

Story and Photo by Jonathan Tan

The NatSteel Employees’ Union (NEU) held its 11th QDC on 27 September 2017 to elect its executive council for the next four-year term. It was attended by some 25 delegates and management partners.

There was no change to key appointment holders.

Working Through Challenges

Acknowledging the challenging business conditions faced by the company during the 2013–2017 term, NEU President Chew Chee Leong said: “We still need to take care of our workers. But in doing so, we must understand the company’s situation. We need to support the company to make sure that our jobs are secure, instead of demanding for more [benefits]. If our jobs are not secure, how could we even think about benefits?

“We must work together with the company to first overcome the challenges. Only then can welfare and benefits improve accordingly. The company must also remember in good times how the union had helped them through the bad times.”

NatSteel Holdings President and CEO Ashish Anupam holds his union colleagues in high regard. He said that while times are difficult for the company, it is through such times that the bonds between management and NEU have become much stronger, and more highly valued.

Guest-of-honour NTUC Deputy Secretary-General (DSG) Heng Chee How added: “To cope with the stark reality, both company and union leadership had to think hard and dig deep into their wits and relationship not only to pull through, but to emerge fitter. The transformation of the company in its use of technology and opening of new markets owes no small part to the labour-management ties forged over the years.”