Model ID: 6c8575c4-6958-4703-a903-95a90d11186d Sitecore Context Id: 6c8575c4-6958-4703-a903-95a90d11186d;

National Day Observance Ceremony 2023 Speech by NTUC President Mary

Model ID: 6c8575c4-6958-4703-a903-95a90d11186d Sitecore Context Id: 6c8575c4-6958-4703-a903-95a90d11186d;
08 Aug 2023
Thumbnail-President Mary Speech NDOC.png
Model ID: 6c8575c4-6958-4703-a903-95a90d11186d Sitecore Context Id: 6c8575c4-6958-4703-a903-95a90d11186d;
Good morning, everyone! Sisters and Brothers, on behalf of NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng and my Central Committee members, let me warmly welcome all of you to the Labour Movement National Day Observance Ceremony 2023!

I am delighted to see more than 1,500 staff and families, union Sisters and Brothers, tripartite partners including SNEF (Singapore National Employers Federation) Ministry of Manpower representatives with us this morning. I am delighted that we are here to celebrate together.

What is the theme for this year’s National Day? Let me share with you – “Onward As One”! We will stand united together, no matter what comes. And tripartism is key in our midst, and we will continue to keep it alive.

Today, we have a very Special Guest with us – Brother Tharman Shanmugaratnam. Thank you, Brother Tharman, for taking the time to join us today. Brother Tharman does not need any introduction because we all know him throughout the years. He has been very consistent, and he has a tremendous heart for our workers. Above all, he is a friend of the Labour Movement.

Brother Tharman has been the chairperson for Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute. Thank you, Brother Tharman, for being with us since 2002. That is tremendous support from you. We are here because of his good work as well. He has encouraged our union leaders to step forward to be trained so that we can serve our union members better. Thank you, Brother Tharman, so much for your contributions.

Brother Tharman has also been the Advisor to our unions – Chemical Industries Employees’ Union and the Singapore Industrial & Services Employees' Union – for the longest time. I know that moving forward, you will continue to be our friend.

For those of us who know him, we each have our “Tharman-moment”. I’ve also shared with him my “Tharman-moment”, especially in my journey as a Nominated Member of Parliament. You have constantly been assuring us, Labour Members of Parliament and all of us, that you will be here for the workers. You will look after the interests of workers and because of that, you have also raised the Central Provident Fund rates for our workers. Brother Tharman, even in Government policies, you have been a strong driver behind the Jobs Credit Scheme. What does (JSS) mean for us? It helps to save jobs for our workers, during a very trying time. Not only that, Brother Tharman has also come up with the Special Employment Credit to help our senior workers; and the Progressive Wage Model that help our lower wage workers to scale up their wages.

I can go on and on. Brother Tharman, you have a track record which all of us are aware of. Hence the moment you mentioned that you were going to stand for the Presidential Elections, the Labour Movement and NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng, immediately decided to support you. The Labour Movement is behind you.

The Labour Movement has put together a montage video to share the journey that Brother Tharman has had with the Labour Movement. Shall we enjoy the video together? Thank you.

[Video plays]

Thank you, Brother Tharman, for all that you have done. Through the years that we have worked closely with you, we deeply appreciate you. It is with that earning of our trust, as well as the admiration that we have for you, not only from myself but amongst our union leaders, that we wish you all the best in your Presidential Elections. Be assured that the Labour Movement is behind you, and we are here for you.

With that, Sisters and Brothers, thank you so much and enjoy this special day. And now, we would like to hear from the man of the hour. Brother Tharman, over to you please. Thank you!

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