Model ID: 63be9c56-6d7a-4836-93af-5c64c88d1eba Sitecore Context Id: 63be9c56-6d7a-4836-93af-5c64c88d1eba;

My NTUC for LM news on the go

Catch the latest breaking news about the Labour Movement (LM) on the go!
Model ID: 63be9c56-6d7a-4836-93af-5c64c88d1eba Sitecore Context Id: 63be9c56-6d7a-4836-93af-5c64c88d1eba;
By Gwen Sin 23 Dec 2011
Model ID: 63be9c56-6d7a-4836-93af-5c64c88d1eba Sitecore Context Id: 63be9c56-6d7a-4836-93af-5c64c88d1eba;

Catch the latest breaking news about the Labour Movement (LM) on your iPhone, iPad or smartphone now! Launched by NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say (pictured above) at the NTUC National Delegates’ Conference on 6 December 2011, ‘My NTUC’ mobile app features brings news, updated resources and retail promotions for members right into your palm while you're on the move.

At the ‘live’ demonstration U News on the app, SG Lim unveiled excerpts of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's opening address captured earlier, among other recent stories and 'Workplace Rights for the Busy Executive' uploaded to its iBooks resources. SG Lim commented that the LM family needs to tap on new media resources to “connect better, to support one another better.”

Senior Advisor to NTUC and NTUC Media’s Executive Chairman, Dr Christopher Chia commented: “In understanding that union leaders have heavy responsibilities, on top of their full-time jobs and union work, time or rather the lack of time will be a crucial factor for them constantly. This mobile app featuring a new way to getting bite-sized news items to leaders in a timely fashion serves to test whether this approach is better accepted in our busy daily lives. Progressively, we will try to reach out to a broader mass of members with more insights and later on, interactivity.”

It was a significant collaboration within the Labour Movement which had NTUC ITD (IT Department) and NTUC Media working hand-in-hand to produce ‘My NTUC’. Added NTUC Corporate Communications Head and NTUC Media’s Managing Director Shona Tan-James: “The launch of ‘My NTUC’ is timely for the Labour Movement, as NTUC members are highly connected these days. With the prompt updates of relevant news, other information from merchants and support among current members, NTUC will also be able to reach out to more new members, such as the Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs), in knowing more about the LM through the U Portal (NTUC’s official website) and ‘My NTUC’.”

NTUC ITD’s Chief Information Officer Dr Kwong Yuk Wah also commented that the cross collaboration between various departments has brought about greater synergy for the good of the Labour Movement. Said Dr Kwong: “In addition to U Portal, ‘My NTUC’ is a mobile platform for NTUC members to get news and information about the Labour Movement on the go. U Portal and ‘My NTUC’ are the successful do-together projects by NTUC Media and NTUC ITD. IT alone is not enough. Interesting, relevant and timely content creates an impact.”

You can now get the 'My NTUC' app through these links: 



"The launch of ‘My NTUC’ has created a lot of buzz and awareness among my members. It definitely keeps us informed about the LM, and comes in handy like a pocket diary."

NTUC Central Committee Vice-President and Union Workers of Petroleum Industry General Secretary K Karthikeyan

"The recently launched NTUC mobile app is in keeping with times. With the app, members who own a smartphone can now access information related to the Labour Movement and have at their finger tips the latest promotions and membership benefits.”

NTUC Central Committee Vice-President and Singapore Teachers’ Union General Secretary Edwin Lye
