Model ID: 39e38d9f-6211-431b-b1fe-d07abb2ab0f3 Sitecore Context Id: 39e38d9f-6211-431b-b1fe-d07abb2ab0f3;

More companies committed to enhancing employability of older workers

More companies committed to enhancing employability of older workers
Model ID: 39e38d9f-6211-431b-b1fe-d07abb2ab0f3 Sitecore Context Id: 39e38d9f-6211-431b-b1fe-d07abb2ab0f3;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 39e38d9f-6211-431b-b1fe-d07abb2ab0f3 Sitecore Context Id: 39e38d9f-6211-431b-b1fe-d07abb2ab0f3;

More companies committed to enhancing employability of older workers 

31 July 2006 

Media Release 

1 In February 2006, the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) launched its efforts on enhancing older workers’ employability, in support of the recommendations by the Tripartite Committee on Employability of Older Workers.  At the launch, 23 companies and their unions affirmed their support and efforts to the cause of helping more workers stay employed beyond the retirement age of 62.

2 Since then, NTUC and the tripartite partners have made good progress in encouraging 61 more unionised companies – a total of 84 companies – to be committed to this cause.  As an advocate of the raising of Singaporeans’ effective retirement age, NTUC is pleased that more companies have heeded the tripartite partners’ call to explore ways to employ older workers or offer re-employment opportunities for those aged 62 and above.  

3 Contributing to the increasing support from the companies is the labour movement’s practical and concrete approaches towards enhancing older workers’ employability.  Through its affiliated unions, NTUC has been working with unionised companies to fine-tune their policies and practices in four key areas to boost the employment rate of older workers.  The four key areas include: restructuring of wage systems; redesigning of jobs; fine-tuning of re-employment policies; and changing of perceptions and mindsets towards and among older workers.

4 Since February 2006, NTUC has organised technical sharing and learning sessions in some of these key areas for union leaders so that they will be better informed and equipped to work with their companies to fine-tune their policies and practices for the employment of older workers.  As there is no “one size fits all” approach to enhancing older workers’ employability, each company would have to work in close consultation with its union and workers to fine-tune its own policies and practices to suit both the company’s and the workers’ needs.

5 For example, in April 2006, NTUC held a seminar on the restructuring of wage systems.  Representatives from the Japanese retail group, Ito-Yokado, were invited to share their knowledge and experience in the employment of older workers and re-employment of retired workers beyond the retirement age.

6 Today, NTUC has also organised a technical workshop on job evaluation, which forms one of the components of a wage system, for union leaders.  The purpose of this workshop is to introduce union leaders to other aspects, concepts and components of a wage system, and to help them understand the issues as well as address any concerns that may arise during a wage restructuring exercise in their companies.

7 With better knowledge and insights on job evaluation and more importantly, on wage restructuring, NTUC hopes that union leaders will be able to help their companies in setting objective bases for their reward structure, individual competencies and on-the-job performance.  The ultimate goal is for their companies to revamp their wage structures so that workers are paid based on their competencies rather than on seniority.

8 The technical sharing and learning sessions highlighted above are practical examples of how the labour movement strives to help older workers stay employed or gain re-employment so that they will remain competitive, productive and relevant to the society, and continue to enjoy income stability and lead fulfilling lives.  With practical and concrete approaches, NTUC hopes to reach out through its affiliated unions to even more companies to encourage them to support the tripartite partners’ efforts in enhancing older workers’ employability.

Halimah Yacob (Mdm)
Assistant Secretary-General
National Trades Union Congress


For media queries, please contact:

Chung Sang Pok
Principal Executive
Corporate Communications Department
National Trades Union Congress
DID 6213 8189
HP 9672 4112


