Model Workers Award 2003: Wanted: Model Workers in the retail and textile industries
6 January, 2003
The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) announced at a media conference today that the retail and textile industries have been selected for the Model Workers Award this year. The announcement followed site visits to neighbourhood shops in Yishun town centre, Northpoint Shopping Centre and Sing Lun Holdings Limited.
Speaking at the news conference, Mr Yeo Guat Kwang, Director of NTUC Quality Lifestyle and Productivity Development Departments, said: "We organise the Model Workers Award annually to recognise the contributions of outstanding workers." Mr Yeo chairs the Model Workers Award 2003 Organising Committee.
"The award is a prestigious one. In previous years, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong and Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had presented the award to the model workers. We will be holding the presentation ceremony as part of our May Day celebrations this year. May Day is a celebration of workers' solidarity and contribution to the economy. The Model Workers Award recognises the good work of model workers. Thus it is fitting to hold the ceremony in May. We hope that the award will inspire all workers to improve their performance and productivity," Mr Yeo added.
Companies in the retail and textile industries are encouraged to nominate deserving workers for the award. Nominations open today and close on 15 March 2003. Nomination forms are available at the Retail Promotion Centre (RPC), Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF), Singapore Retailers Association (SRA), Textile and Fashion Federation Singapore (TaF.f) and the NTUC Trade Union House. The nomination form can also be downloaded here.
A selection panel has been formed by the organising committee to select 100 model workers from the nominees. They can also look forward to an all-expenses paid incentive trip this year.
Dr Jannie Tay, President of the Singapore Retailers Association is very pleased that the retail industry has been selected for this year's awards. She says: "According to the Singapore Department of Statistics, there are some 75,000 workers directly employed in the retail sector. Add to that the number of workers involved in the retail-related industries which benefit from the ripple effects of retailing, and it is evident that the retail sector is one of the pillars of Singapore's domestic economy. We will therefore be very proud of the eventual winners of this national award, all of whom have contributed much to the country's economy."
Mr Edward Ang, President of the Textile and Fashion Federation Singapore says: "We are extremely honored to be given this great opportunity to recognise, on a national platform, the high standards, commitment and valuable contributions our workforce has made towards the industry as well as Singapore's economy. Our industry has experienced constant domestic growth over the decades, while we rapidly expand our operations internationally. With the conclusion of the US-Singapore FTA, we are likely to experience an increase in demand for staff and workers at all levels, from management to production, to support our domestic and international growth. Hopefully, with initiatives such as the NTUC Model Workers Award and SPRING Singapore's National Skills Recognition System (NSRS), mindset of the workforce can be changed and encouraged to join our industry where we have always experienced shortages."
The Model Workers Award 2003 is organised by NTUC. It is supported and sponsored by the Retail Promotion Centre, Singapore National Employers Federation, Singapore Retailers Association, Textile and Fashion Federation Singapore.
The Model Workers Award was first held in 1996. Previous industry sectors selected for the award were public transport (1996), environment (1997), healthcare (1998), airport and seaport (1999), hospitality and tourism (2000), public utilities (2001) and construction and marine (2002).