Model ID: 2bf8f6ba-8b1f-4468-821f-6d35b74f45ea Sitecore Context Id: 2bf8f6ba-8b1f-4468-821f-6d35b74f45ea;

Migrant Workers' Centre's response to TODAY's Forum letter Why Some Oppose Foreign Worker Cuts

Mr Edwin Pang, Executive Director of Migrant Workers' Centre, has penned a letter in response to the recent contribution by Mr Ralph S Lesslar to TODAYs forum on Why Some Oppose Foreign Worker Cuts, dated 2 Mar 2012.
Model ID: 2bf8f6ba-8b1f-4468-821f-6d35b74f45ea Sitecore Context Id: 2bf8f6ba-8b1f-4468-821f-6d35b74f45ea;
05 Mar 2012
Model ID: 2bf8f6ba-8b1f-4468-821f-6d35b74f45ea Sitecore Context Id: 2bf8f6ba-8b1f-4468-821f-6d35b74f45ea;

Dear Forum Page Editor,

We refer to the TODAY forum contribution by Mr Ralph S Lesslar, “Why Some Oppose Foreign Worker Cuts”, dated 2 Mar 2012.

While the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has already been taking firm action against unscrupulous employers, the Migrant Workers’ Centre (MWC) agrees with Mr Lesslar that the MOM should further strengthen its enforcement, even as quotas are tightened. The MWC continues to receive complaints of migrant worker abuse in an already tight labour market. We believe that cuts targeted at shrinking the migrant workforce should be coupled with stronger enforcement catering to their welfare. The errant employers may counteract the changes by piling the tasks and responsibilities of many onto the shoulders of a few – which is clearly not the intent of the regulators.  

Besides strengthening enforcement, the MWC would like to, once again, request that the MOM introduces skills certification requirements for foreign work pass issuance and renewal process. This will help to contribute to the upstream recruitment of migrant workers with the right skills and talents to complement our local workforce and hopefully, lead to the reduction or prevention of much of the social costs currently incurred in terms of employment disputes and the abuse of workers. A more skilled migrant workforce can also better integrate with local co-workers and is less likely to be harassed or intimidated. We hope the MOM will seriously consider this idea.  

In the meantime, the MWC will continue to strengthen our outreach, with our social partners, to educate migrant workers on their employment rights, as well as to provide effective support to migrant workers in distress.


Edwin Pang

Executive Director

Migrant Workers' Centre
