Model ID: d0b6c6b6-9820-4111-bc04-0aacc4975fda
Sitecore Context Id: d0b6c6b6-9820-4111-bc04-0aacc4975fda;
As part of the Labour Movement’s efforts to safeguard and allay workers concerns amidst the Covid-19 outbreak, the Migrant Workers’ Centre (MWC) has been stepping up on our outreach to the migrant community. Even before the DORSCON level was raised to orange, the MWC had activated more than 5,000 of their MWC Grassroot Ambassadors to reach out to their fellow countrymen at their workplaces, dormitories or even at the usual gathering spots over the weekend. These MWC Grassroots Ambassadors have been going about to educate migrant workers on the various hygiene precautions that they should adopt, share about the assistance packages from the Government, update them with timely and accurate information and most importantly, reassure workers that the Covid-19 situation is under control. To help our migrant workers to better understand the advisories from the respective ministries, our Grassroots Ambassadors have gone one step further to also translate these messages to their respective vernacular languages.
In addition, the MWC is also working with the Dormitory Association of Singapore Limited and the respective dormitory operators to reach out to their network of employers. This is to ensure that employers and dormitory operators understand that they too have a role to play in safeguarding the health of our migrant workers such as putting in place precautionary measures like temperature taking and looking after the workers when they are unwell.
Outreach at Dyna-Mac Engineering Services
Earlier this afternoon, MWC, through the Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Employees' Union (SMEEU), organised a visit to Dyna-Mac Engineering Services (Dyna-Mac) to reach out to some 1,000 migrant workers from Dyna-Mac’s subcontractors. These migrant workers are largely Indians and Bangladeshi. NTUC Assistant Secretary-General Zainal Sapari also joined MWC and SMEEU on the visit to help reassure workers, urge them to stay vigilant in light of Covid-19 and take good care of their personal health and hygiene.
Executive Director of MWC Bernard Menon said, “While there are pockets of migrant workers who are concerned, the majority of them are calm and have confidence that Singapore is taking all necessary precautions to contain the virus and protect the community. MWC will continue to monitor the Covid-19 situation closely and stands committed to work with the relevant authorities and help any migrant worker who may be affected.”
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