Model ID: 4360cd63-7331-41d8-b547-4e030e6cdb3b Sitecore Context Id: 4360cd63-7331-41d8-b547-4e030e6cdb3b;

Migrant Workers’ Centre renders assistance to Stargood Construction migrant workers

To address the workers’ immediate and urgent needs for food provision, the MWC secured a private sponsorship for groceries for the group from a Recreation Centre near the workers’ place of residence.
Model ID: 4360cd63-7331-41d8-b547-4e030e6cdb3b Sitecore Context Id: 4360cd63-7331-41d8-b547-4e030e6cdb3b;
07 Mar 2019
Model ID: 4360cd63-7331-41d8-b547-4e030e6cdb3b Sitecore Context Id: 4360cd63-7331-41d8-b547-4e030e6cdb3b;
The Migrant Workers’ Centre has been in touch with the migrant workers from Stargood Construction Pte Ltd since yesterday afternoon.
Our immediate priority is the ongoing welfare of the workers and we have assured them that all necessary support will be provided to them as the matter is being resolved among the parties concerned.  Such support, where applicable, will include any housing and subsistence needs. To address the workers’ immediate and urgent needs for food provision, the MWC secured a private sponsorship for groceries for the group from a Recreation Centre near the workers’ place of residence.
We understand that some of the workers’ work passes had been cancelled and they are concerned that they would be repatriated before the resolution of their claims. For this group in particular, the MWC will work with the Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management (TADM) to allow them to seek alternative employment wherever applicable. We understand that some of the workers had already approached TADM for assistance and a mediation session has been scheduled between the workers and their employer.   
We are hopeful that through our ongoing support for the workers, we can create a suitable space for the relevant parties to resolve the matter swiftly and smoothly – such that the workers can recover their salary arrears and return to work.
Yeo Guat Kwang
Migrant Workers’ Centre
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