Model ID: 5ca771f0-5125-48ce-ad3c-ca72119a76ce Sitecore Context Id: 5ca771f0-5125-48ce-ad3c-ca72119a76ce;

Migrant Workers Centre has penned a reply to the letter Unions urged to consider needs of migrant workers.

Among the problems faced by migrant workers that MWC sees on the ground, are those that stem from the malpractices of employment intermediaries and agents in the migrant worker-sending countries.
Model ID: 5ca771f0-5125-48ce-ad3c-ca72119a76ce Sitecore Context Id: 5ca771f0-5125-48ce-ad3c-ca72119a76ce;
07 May 2012
Model ID: 5ca771f0-5125-48ce-ad3c-ca72119a76ce Sitecore Context Id: 5ca771f0-5125-48ce-ad3c-ca72119a76ce;


I refer to your article (Unions urged to consider needs of migrant workers, 2 May 2012). Migrant workers in Singapore today, like their local counterparts, are protected by the Employment Act, the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act and its work pass conditions, which were enhanced over the past two years, with the advocacy of Migrant Workers' Centre (MWC).

If a migrant worker is abused, the Ministry of Manpower’s Foreign Manpower Management Division would step in to assist him. In addition, as union membership is open to migrant workers in Singapore, he may ask his union for help if he is a member. Alternatively, there are several migrant welfare Non-Governmental Organisations, including MWC without membership requirements, that he may approach for assistance.

Among the problems faced by migrant workers that MWC sees on the ground, are those that stem from the malpractices of employment intermediaries and agents in the migrant worker-sending countries. While there have been efforts by various local organisations to collaborate with the authorities and NGOs in these countries, progress has unfortunately been slow. It is with some regret, however, that there is a limit to what can be done to curb malpractices occurring in a jurisdiction which local authorities have little control over.

On the homefront, MWC has worked with our tripartite partners to have the Employment Agencies Act amended so that it further protects the interests of migrant workers. MWC recognises the significant role that the migrant workforce plays in Singapore's development, as well as the importance of the workers' rights and well-being. We will continue to provide those in need with all possible humanitarian assistance.

Edwin Pang
Executive Director
Migrant Workers' Centre
