Model ID: 2c5e84e9-8839-4fd5-adfc-a13e42ab965f Sitecore Context Id: 2c5e84e9-8839-4fd5-adfc-a13e42ab965f;

Meeting Power and Gas Sector Transformation with Training

4,000 workers stand to potentially benefit from upskilling through the formation of company training committees.
Model ID: 2c5e84e9-8839-4fd5-adfc-a13e42ab965f Sitecore Context Id: 2c5e84e9-8839-4fd5-adfc-a13e42ab965f;
29 Oct 2019
Model ID: 2c5e84e9-8839-4fd5-adfc-a13e42ab965f Sitecore Context Id: 2c5e84e9-8839-4fd5-adfc-a13e42ab965f;

Photo Credit: EMA

By Ian Tan Hanhonn

At least 4,000 workers from 10 key power and gas companies stand to benefit from training after their employers committed to work with the Union of Power and Gas Employees (UPAGEon 29 October 2019.  

Through company training committees (CTCs), the companies and UPAGE will coordinate efforts to communicate and implement workers’ training plans.

The training will be in line with industry transformation developments.

Both union and companies will work together to identify jobs that are at risk of disruption; build new competencies; map out new skills requirements; and enhance productivity for workers by equipping them with adaptive, technology and technical skills.

“The power and gas sector is undergoing significant transformation. To ensure that our workers are better prepared for the future, UPAGE is committed to helping our workers build their capabilities and upgrade their skills as the sector powers up to build a sustainable, smart-energy future,” said UPAGE General Secretary Abdul Samad Abdul Wahab.

Singapore Energy Award

UPAGE was also one of four recipients that received the Singapore Energy Award during the Singapore International Energy Week 2019.

The award recognises the union for playing an instrumental role in rallying the workforce to support the liberalisation and restructuring of the industry; pushing for training and upskilling of the workforce; and institutionalising strong sectoral tripartism for peaceful and harmonious industrial relations.