Model ID: f9f39fe2-b8a1-4a57-a21a-5947ecf351ec Sitecore Context Id: f9f39fe2-b8a1-4a57-a21a-5947ecf351ec;

FDAWU Takes Action To Help Workers Affected By Flash Coffee’s Liquidation

Model ID: f9f39fe2-b8a1-4a57-a21a-5947ecf351ec Sitecore Context Id: f9f39fe2-b8a1-4a57-a21a-5947ecf351ec;
13 Oct 2023
Model ID: f9f39fe2-b8a1-4a57-a21a-5947ecf351ec Sitecore Context Id: f9f39fe2-b8a1-4a57-a21a-5947ecf351ec;
The Food, Drinks and Allied Workers Union (FDAWU) first heard of the employees of Flash Coffee, a non-unionised company, being owed salaries, and the company undergoing liquidation, today on Friday, 13 October. FDAWU also learnt from online reports circulating today, of workers at the Jurong Point outlet allegedly being “on strike”.

Concerned for the welfare of its members and other employees, FDAWU immediately visited some outlets to verify the closure, and also arranged to engage workers so as to better ascertain the circumstances and provide necessary assistance.

On 13 October afternoon, FDAWU engaged some workers and gathered further details on the case:

a. Workers had been informed on Tuesday, 10 October of the closure of outlets effective Wednesday, 11 October
b. Workers attended a meeting on the morning of Thursday, 12 October, where news that the company had been placed on provisional liquidation on 9 October, and that workers’ services with the company will be terminated effective 12 October, was shared
c. Workers affected by the sudden closure of the outlets had outstanding salaries, CPF contributions and prevailing leave entitlements. Salaries owed comprise the balance of 75% of workers’ September salaries, as well as for the work done up till 12 October, along with encashment of remaining leave days
d. The workers engaged by the union shared that there were no explicit plans to put up any coordinated action following companies’ sharing of the situation at hand.

FDAWU will be assisting affected members with salary-related claims. FDAWU will also provide job assistance support, leveraging the union’s network of unionised companies as well as the wider Labour Movement network, including NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute). For workers whom FDAWU had already engaged, they had been connected to immediate job vacancies in the services sector.

FDAWU will continue to monitor the situation and render any further support to members where required. Affected members and employees can approach FDAWU at 6737 6088 (working hours) or email for assistance.