Model ID: d19dcd1c-4a42-4a3a-9da5-1e2f27a3eb36 Sitecore Context Id: d19dcd1c-4a42-4a3a-9da5-1e2f27a3eb36;

Media Release By Taxi Industry Task Force

Media Release By Taxi Industry Task Force
Model ID: d19dcd1c-4a42-4a3a-9da5-1e2f27a3eb36 Sitecore Context Id: d19dcd1c-4a42-4a3a-9da5-1e2f27a3eb36;
By Media Release Taxi Industry Task Force 01 Nov 2010
Model ID: d19dcd1c-4a42-4a3a-9da5-1e2f27a3eb36 Sitecore Context Id: d19dcd1c-4a42-4a3a-9da5-1e2f27a3eb36;

25 April 2003

More than $7.95 million of financial help for cabbies

Since 31 March 2003 when the Taxi Industry Task Force was formed by the taxi companies and taxi operators associations to help taxi drivers, more than $7.95 million of financial help have been made available to taxi drivers. At the same time, taxi drivers are also taking greater responsibilities for their health and increasing numbers are stepping forward for temperature checks. The Singapore Taxi Transport Association (STTA) representing Yellow-Top taxi operators have joined in the fight against Sars.

The industry has set aside $7.95 million in financial assistance for taxi drivers through rental reductions, diesel subsidies, temperature checks, disinfectants and issuance of vitamins C.

The free temperature check stations for cabbies got off to an encouraging start ever since it was launched one week ago. The number of cabbies coming forward for daily temperature check more than tripled from 5,506 on 18 April to 18,054 yesterday (see Annex).

"The Task Force has made a significant impact since it was formed a month ago. It has provided financial help, set up 17 temperature check stations island-wide and provided advice such as winding down of windows. Now that the Singapore Taxi Transport Association (STTA) representing Yellow-Top taxi operators has joined the Task Force, all the players in the industry are represented. It will enable us to tackle the Sars-related issues collectively as an industry. This is the true spirit of community and industry self-help," said Mr Seng Han Thong, NTUC Assistant Secretary-General and advisor to the three taxi operator associations.

The Task Force also announced these enhanced measures today:

(a) Raising the one-off hardship grant for drivers (hirer or relief driver) quarantined by Sars from $400 to $600. This grant is jointly provided by the taxi operators associations and companies. Drivers will get $300 each from the taxi companies if they are not association members.

(b) When a hirer is given MC by a doctor for home rest for Sars-related symptoms, the taxi companies will waive 50% of rental (up from 25% previously) if he has a relief driver for the sick days. If he doesn't have a relief, the taxi companies will waive 100% of his rental. Should a driver be quarantined, the full rental will be waived. These alleviate the financial burden of drivers when they are ill or when they are quarantined.

Reactions from taxi operators associations

President of CTOA, Mr Tay Hay Leng is happy with the measures so far. "The enhanced relief package definitely helps the drivers cope with the Sars problem.

Measures such as temperature checks and winding down windows will help maintain public confidence. I hope passengers will continue to take taxis and more will be done to attract passengers. This way our businesses can improve," he said.

President of CCOA, Mr Alan Ho, added, "The whole industry has come together to join forces to fight Sars. I feel especially touched by the strong support shown by the taxi companies. At the same time, I hope passengers can understand our situation and work with taxi drivers to tackle the Sars outbreak."

President of TTOA, Mr John Leong, said, "We are thankful for what the Government and the Taxi Companies have done for us. I urge all fellow drivers to do our very best to contain the spreading of Sars."

Vice President of STTA, Mr Lee Mong Chiang urges all Yellow Top taxi drivers to join in the effort to build public confidence in taxi service and fight against the spread of Sars. "Regardless of whether they are members of the association or not, the Association will extend help to all yellow top taxi drivers affected by Sars," he said.


Daily breakdown of temperature checks


No. of temperature checks

18 April


19 April


20 April


21 April


22 April


23 April


24 April



About the Taxi Industry Task Force

The Taxi Industry Task Force was formed on 31 March 2003 to tackle the Sars outbreak. It now comprises the Comfort Taxi Operators' Association (CTOA), CityCab Operators' Association (CCOA), TIBS Taxi Operators' Association (TTOA) and taxi companies Comfort, CityCab, TIBS Taxis and the Singapore Taxi Transport Association (STTA).

The Task Force has two main objectives:

1)     to help taxi drivers who are affected by the Sars outbreak

2)     to reassure the commuting public that all members of the taxi industry are doing all they can to help contain the spread of the virus.

The measures announced to-date includes:

1)     $10 daily rental rebate for a month

2)     Diesel price discount of between 4 to 6 cents per litre for a month

3)     Free temperature check at 17 temperature check stations island-wide

4)     Daily disinfecting of taxis

5)     Setting up a Rainy Day Fund to encourage taxi drivers to save part of their monthly earnings. Individual's contributions can be withdrawn from the Fund when the need arises. The concept of the scheme has received strong support from the taxi companies and the details are being worked out. The Task Force plans to make an announcement within the next four weeks.
