Model ID: 5c0d35cc-12a0-42ea-aec2-4c1f18a80554 Sitecore Context Id: 5c0d35cc-12a0-42ea-aec2-4c1f18a80554;

Media Freelancers, Take Note!

There’s now a new standard in place to protect your rights at the workplace, especially for common issues such as timely payment and disputes.
Model ID: 5c0d35cc-12a0-42ea-aec2-4c1f18a80554 Sitecore Context Id: 5c0d35cc-12a0-42ea-aec2-4c1f18a80554;
By Jonathan Tan 29 Nov 2017
Model ID: 5c0d35cc-12a0-42ea-aec2-4c1f18a80554 Sitecore Context Id: 5c0d35cc-12a0-42ea-aec2-4c1f18a80554;

If it seems that every other friend who does freelance work happens to be in the media line, it is because they actually make up half of the 83,600-strong workforce in Singapore’s vibrant media industry. This is according to recent surveys by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI).

To better look after the needs of this group of freelance workers responsible for the entertainment you get in print or on screen, the Tripartite Standard on the Procurement of Services from Media Freelancers (TS Media Freelancers) was launched on 29 November 2017 by Senior Minister of State for Communications and Information and Health Chee Hong Tat.

Jointly developed by the Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA), MOM, NTUC and the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF), and supported by the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP), the standard aims to encourage fair and progressive practices in the media industry.

Leading by example, Mr Chee said IMDA will make it compulsory for companies applying for its grants and funding to adopt the standard. He added that vendors or contractors handling MCI-led contracts will also be advised to adhere to these standards.

4 Key Things Freelancers Should Know

- Written Contracts

To ensure mutual understanding of each project, companies are to provide media freelancers with a written contract. This should detail terms such as agreed deliverables, ownership of intellectual property and payment milestones.

- Timely Payment

Companies are to adhere to the agreed payment timelines. If none are provided, freelancers should be paid no later than 45 days upon the company’s receipt of invoice.

- Dispute Resolution

Mediation should be the first course of action in a dispute resolution. Subsidies are available from IMDA for mediation with the Singapore Mediation Centre.

- Insurance

Companies should offer workplace protection through insurance for production equipment, commercial general liability and work-related incidents.

For more details on the standard, click here.